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English Phrase of the Day

over there


English > English
over there
     1. adv. in that place
           You see that house over there? That's where I used to live.
     1. adj. Discontinued; ended or concluded.
           The show is over.
     2. adv. Thoroughly; completely; from beginning to end.
           Let's talk over the project at tomorrow's meeting.
           Let me think that over.
     1. adv. (location) In a place or location (stated, implied or otherwise indicated) at some distance from the speaker (compare here).
     2. adv. (figuratively) In that matter, relation, etc.; at that point, stage, etc., regarded as a distinct place.
           He did not stop there, but continued his speech.
           They patched up their differences, but matters did not end there.
     3. adv. (location) To or into that place; thither.

Example Sentences

How's the view over there
Why are Americans going over there
There's some one next door, over there
What's that on your carpet over there
They live in the burnt place over there

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