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English Phrase of the Day

pick on


English > English
pick on
     1. v. To bully, harass or make fun of a victim; to bother or harass.
           Hey! Quit picking on your brother.
     2. v. To select (a person) for a task, etc.
           The teacher picked on me to answer the question.
pick  ©
     1. n. A tool used for digging; a pickaxe.
     2. n. A tool for unlocking a lock without the original key; a lock pick, picklock.
     3. n. A comb with long widely spaced teeth, for use with tightly curled hair.
     4. n. A choice; ability to choose.
     5. n. That which would be picked or chosen first; the best.
on  ©
     1. adj. In the state of being active, functioning or operating.
     2. adj. Performing according to schedule.
           Are we still on for tonight?
           Is the show still on?
     3. adj. (chiefly UK, informal, usually negative) Acceptable, appropriate.

Example Sentences

I learned to fight so the bullies wouldn't pick on me anymore. 
I don't want to pick on the juror but she was trying to control her cough there, but could not. 

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