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English Phrase of the Day

point out


English > English
point out
     1. v. (transitive, idiomatic) To identify among a group of similar subjects, or in a scene where the subject might not be readily seen or noticed, with a gesture of the body.
           He pointed out the little brown bird in the tree.
           She pointed out the two drummers in the class.
     2. v. (figuratively, idiomatic) To tell, remind, indicate.
           I would just like to point out that we need to finish our meeting by 9 o'clock.
     1. n. A discrete division of something.
     2. n.          An individual element in a larger whole; a particular detail, thought, or quality.
                   The Congress debated the finer points of the bill.
     3. n.          A particular moment in an event or occurrence; a juncture.
                   There comes a point in a marathon when some people give up.
           See also individual phrasal verbs such as come out, go out, put out, take out, pull out, and so on.
     1. adv. Away from the inside or the centre.
           The magician pulled the rabbit out of the hat.
     2. adv. Away from home or one's usual place.
           Let's eat out tonight

Example Sentences

Look, maybe I shouldn't butt in here but somebody ought to point out that this isn't much of a loss. 
If I were a smoker, I would take this opportunity to point out what profoundly silly and mistaken people the Americans are. 
I must also point out that only governments signed those treaties, not individuals, and individuals are not responsible for the actions of a government. 
Often the daughters will point out something by an up-and-coming designer and their mothers will love it. 

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