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Pronunciation of the English word woman

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Pronunciation in context

and the one woman
the big farmer woman
a very dull old woman
replied the old woman
that woman who was not there
and wanted another woman along
seeing the woman who had sat there
she is a strange, silent woman
from the brooding silent woman he had known
as if the distracted thoughts of the woman
until her eyes met the eyes of the other woman
looking at that other woman, with whom it rested
the woman who was being detained in town had said she wanted
and preoccupied with thoughts of the woman who had done that sewing
killed a woman for no other reason than that she had thick ankles
she took another look at the woman who sat beside her on the back seat
as if he were still seeing the woman who had sat there the morning before
who were looking for evidence against the woman who had worked in that kitchen
it will, at least, enable you to make the acquaintance of a very remarkable woman
it was as if every one were seeing the woman who had sat there the morning before