Past of the French verb partir
The past tense conjugations for the French verb partir, along with their English translations.Verb phrases
Imperfect | Scored | |
je partais | I was leaving | |
tu partais | you were leaving | |
il partait | he was leaving | |
elle partait | she was leaving | |
nous partions | we were leaving | |
vous partiez | you were leaving | |
ils partaient | they were leaving | |
elles partaient | they were leaving |
Past Historic / Passé Simple | Scored | |
je partis | I left | |
tu partis | you left | |
il partit | he left | |
elle partit | she left | |
nous partîmes | we left | |
vous partîtes | you left | |
ils partirent | they left | |
elles partirent | they left |
Passé Composé | Scored | |
je suis parti | I have left | |
tu es parti | you have left | |
il est parti | he has left | |
elle est partie | she has left | |
nous sommes partis | we have left | |
vous êtes parti | you have left | |
ils sont partis | they have left | |
elles sont parties | they have left |
Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change
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