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Conjugation of the French verb admirer

A list of the common conjugations for the French verb admirer, along with their English translations.

Verb phrases

admirerto admire

j'admireI admire
tu admiresyou admire
il admirehe admires
elle admireshe admires
nous admironswe admire
vous admirezyou admire
ils admirentthey admire
elles admirentthey admire

j'admiraisI was admiring
tu admiraisyou were admiring
il admiraithe was admiring
elle admiraitshe was admiring
nous admirionswe were admiring
vous admiriezyou were admiring
ils admiraientthey were admiring
elles admiraientthey were admiring

Past Historic / Passé Simple
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passé Composé is used to refer to past actions.
j'admiraiI admired
tu admirasyou admired
il admirahe admired
elle admirashe admired
nous admirâmeswe admired
vous admirâtesyou admired
ils admirèrentthey admired
elles admirèrentthey admired

Passé ComposéScored
j'ai admiréI admired
tu as admiréyou admired
il a admiréhe admired
elle a admiréshe admired
nous avons admiréwe admired
vous avez admiréyou admired
ils ont admiréthey admired
elles ont admiréthey admired

Pluperfect / Plus-que-parfaitScored
j'avais admiréI had admired
tu avais admiréyou had admired
il avait admiréhe had admired
elle avait admiréshe had admired
nous avions admiréwe had admired
vous aviez admiréyou had admired
ils avaient admiréthey had admired
elles avaient admiréthey had admired

j'admireraiI will admire
tu admirerasyou will admire
il admirerahe will admire
elle admirerashe will admire
nous admireronswe will admire
vous admirerezyou will admire
ils admirerontthey will admire
elles admirerontthey will admire

Future Perfect / Futur antérieur
The French Future Perfect or Futur antérieur is made with the future tense of avoir or être and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take être, or with the direct object for verbs that take avoir.
j'aurai admiréI will have admired
tu auras admiréyou will have admired
il aura admiréhe will have admired
elle aura admiréshe will have admired
nous aurons admiréwe will have admired
vous aurez admiréyou will have admired
ils auront admiréthey will have admired
elles auront admiréthey will have admired

j'admireraisI would admire
tu admireraisyou would admire
il admireraithe would admire
elle admireraitshe would admire
nous admirerionswe would admire
vous admireriezyou would admire
ils admireraientthey would admire
elles admireraientthey would admire

Conditional Perfect / Conditionnel passé
The French Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Conditionnel passé is made with the conditional tense of avoir or être and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take être, or with the direct object for verbs that take avoir.
j'aurais admiréI would have admired
tu aurais admiréyou would have admired
il aurait admiréhe would have admired
elle aurait admiréshe would have admired
nous aurions admiréwe would have admired
vous auriez admiréyou would have admired
ils auraient admiréthey would have admired
elles auraient admiréthey would have admired

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) j'admire(... that) I admire
(... que) tu admires(... that) you admire
(... que) il admire(... that) he admires
(... que) elle admire(... that) she admires
(... que) nous admirions(... that) we admire
(... que) vous admiriez(... that) you admire

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) j'admirasse(... that) I was admiring
(... que) tu admirasses(... that) you were admiring
(... que) il admirât(... that) he was admiring
(... que) elle admirât(... that) she was admiring
(... que) nous admirassions(... that) we were admiring
(... que) vous admirassiez(... that) you were admiring
(... que) ils admirassent(... that) they were admiring
(... que) elles admirassent(... that) they were admiring

admire Admire
admironsLet's admire
admirez Admire

Present ParticipleScored
admirant admiring

Past ParticipleScored
admiré admired

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