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Conjugation of the French verb adoucir

A list of the common conjugations for the French verb adoucir, along with their English translations.

Verb phrases

adoucirto soften

j'adoucisI soften
tu adoucisyou soften
il adoucithe softens
elle adoucitshe softens
nous adoucissonswe soften
vous adoucissezyou soften
ils adoucissentthey soften
elles adoucissentthey soften

j'adoucissaisI was softening
tu adoucissaisyou were softening
il adoucissaithe was softening
elle adoucissaitshe was softening
nous adoucissionswe were softening
vous adoucissiezyou were softening
ils adoucissaientthey were softening
elles adoucissaientthey were softening

Past Historic / Passé Simple
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passé Composé is used to refer to past actions.
j'adoucisI softened
tu adoucisyou softened
il adoucithe softened
elle adoucitshe softened
nous adoucîmeswe softened
vous adoucîtesyou softened
ils adoucirentthey softened
elles adoucirentthey softened

Passé ComposéScored
j'ai adouciI have softened
tu as adouciyou have softened
il a adoucihe has softened
elle a adoucishe has softened
nous avons adouciwe have softened
vous avez adouciyou have softened
ils ont adoucithey have softened
elles ont adoucithey have softened

Pluperfect / Plus-que-parfaitScored
j'avais adouciI had softened
tu avais adouciyou had softened
il avait adoucihe had softened
elle avait adoucishe had softened
nous avions adouciwe had softened
vous aviez adouciyou had softened
ils avaient adoucithey had softened
elles avaient adoucithey had softened

j'adouciraiI will soften
tu adoucirasyou will soften
il adoucirahe will soften
elle adoucirashe will soften
nous adoucironswe will soften
vous adoucirezyou will soften
ils adoucirontthey will soften
elles adoucirontthey will soften

Future Perfect / Futur antérieur
The French Future Perfect or Futur antérieur is made with the future tense of avoir or être and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take être, or with the direct object for verbs that take avoir.
j'aurai adouciI will have softened
tu auras adouciyou will have softened
il aura adoucihe will have softened
elle aura adoucishe will have softened
nous aurons adouciwe will have softened
vous aurez adouciyou will have softened
ils auront adoucithey will have softened
elles auront adoucithey will have softened

j'adouciraisI would soften
tu adouciraisyou would soften
il adouciraithe would soften
elle adouciraitshe would soften
nous adoucirionswe would soften
vous adouciriezyou would soften
ils adouciraientthey would soften
elles adouciraientthey would soften

Conditional Perfect / Conditionnel passé
The French Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Conditionnel passé is made with the conditional tense of avoir or être and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take être, or with the direct object for verbs that take avoir.
j'aurais adouciI would have softened
tu aurais adouciyou would have softened
il aurait adoucihe would have softened
elle aurait adoucishe would have softened
nous aurions adouciwe would have softened
vous auriez adouciyou would have softened
ils auraient adoucithey would have softened
elles auraient adoucithey would have softened

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) j'adoucisse(... that) I soften
(... que) tu adoucisses(... that) you soften
(... que) il adoucisse(... that) he softens
(... que) elle adoucisse(... that) she softens
(... que) nous adoucissions(... that) we soften
(... que) vous adoucissiez(... that) you soften
(... que) ils adoucissent(... that) they soften
(... que) elles adoucissent(... that) they soften

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) j'adoucisse(... that) I was softening
(... que) tu adoucisses(... that) you were softening
(... que) il adoucît(... that) he was softening
(... que) elle adoucît(... that) she was softening
(... que) nous adoucissions(... that) we were softening
(... que) vous adoucissiez(... that) you were softening
(... que) ils adoucissent(... that) they were softening
(... que) elles adoucissent(... that) they were softening

adoucis Soften
adoucissonsLet's soften
adoucissez Soften

Present ParticipleScored
adoucissant softening

Past ParticipleScored
adouci softened

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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