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Conjugation of the French verb anesthésier

A list of the common conjugations for the French verb anesthésier, along with their English translations.

Verb phrases

anesthésierto anesthetize

j'anesthésieI anesthetize
tu anesthésiesyou anesthetize
il anesthésiehe anesthetizes
elle anesthésieshe anesthetizes
nous anesthésionswe anesthetize
vous anesthésiezyou anesthetize
ils anesthésientthey anesthetize
elles anesthésientthey anesthetize

j'anesthésiaisI was anesthetizing
tu anesthésiaisyou were anesthetizing
il anesthésiaithe was anesthetizing
elle anesthésiaitshe was anesthetizing
nous anesthésiionswe were anesthetizing
vous anesthésiiezyou were anesthetizing
ils anesthésiaientthey were anesthetizing
elles anesthésiaientthey were anesthetizing

Past Historic / Passé Simple
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passé Composé is used to refer to past actions.
j'anesthésiaiI anesthetized
tu anesthésiasyou anesthetized
il anesthésiahe anesthetized
elle anesthésiashe anesthetized
nous anesthésiâmeswe anesthetized
vous anesthésiâtesyou anesthetized
ils anesthésièrentthey anesthetized
elles anesthésièrentthey anesthetized

Passé ComposéScored
j'ai anesthésiéI have anesthetized
tu as anesthésiéyou have anesthetized
il a anesthésiéhe has anesthetized
elle a anesthésiéshe has anesthetized
nous avons anesthésiéwe have anesthetized
vous avez anesthésiéyou have anesthetized
ils ont anesthésiéthey have anesthetized
elles ont anesthésiéthey have anesthetized

Pluperfect / Plus-que-parfaitScored
j'avais anesthésiéI had anesthetized
tu avais anesthésiéyou had anesthetized
il avait anesthésiéhe had anesthetized
elle avait anesthésiéshe had anesthetized
nous avions anesthésiéwe had anesthetized
vous aviez anesthésiéyou had anesthetized
ils avaient anesthésiéthey had anesthetized
elles avaient anesthésiéthey had anesthetized

j'anesthésieraiI will anesthetize
tu anesthésierasyou will anesthetize
il anesthésierahe will anesthetize
elle anesthésierashe will anesthetize
nous anesthésieronswe will anesthetize
vous anesthésierezyou will anesthetize
ils anesthésierontthey will anesthetize
elles anesthésierontthey will anesthetize

Future Perfect / Futur antérieur
The French Future Perfect or Futur antérieur is made with the future tense of avoir or être and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take être, or with the direct object for verbs that take avoir.
j'aurai anesthésiéI will have anesthetized
tu auras anesthésiéyou will have anesthetized
il aura anesthésiéhe will have anesthetized
elle aura anesthésiéshe will have anesthetized
nous aurons anesthésiéwe will have anesthetized
vous aurez anesthésiéyou will have anesthetized
ils auront anesthésiéthey will have anesthetized
elles auront anesthésiéthey will have anesthetized

j'anesthésieraisI would anesthetize
tu anesthésieraisyou would anesthetize
il anesthésieraithe would anesthetize
elle anesthésieraitshe would anesthetize
nous anesthésierionswe would anesthetize
vous anesthésieriezyou would anesthetize
ils anesthésieraientthey would anesthetize
elles anesthésieraientthey would anesthetize

Conditional Perfect / Conditionnel passé
The French Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Conditionnel passé is made with the conditional tense of avoir or être and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take être, or with the direct object for verbs that take avoir.
j'aurais anesthésiéI would have anesthetized
tu aurais anesthésiéyou would have anesthetized
il aurait anesthésiéhe would have anesthetized
elle aurait anesthésiéshe would have anesthetized
nous aurions anesthésiéwe would have anesthetized
vous auriez anesthésiéyou would have anesthetized
ils auraient anesthésiéthey would have anesthetized
elles auraient anesthésiéthey would have anesthetized

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) j'anesthésie(... that) I anesthetize
(... que) tu anesthésies(... that) you anesthetize
(... que) il anesthésie(... that) he anesthetizes
(... que) elle anesthésie(... that) she anesthetizes
(... que) nous anesthésiions(... that) we anesthetize
(... que) vous anesthésiiez(... that) you anesthetize
(... que) ils anesthésient(... that) they anesthetize
(... que) elles anesthésient(... that) they anesthetize

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) j'anesthésiasse(... that) I was anesthetizing
(... que) tu anesthésiasses(... that) you were anesthetizing
(... que) il anesthésiât(... that) he was anesthetizing
(... que) elle anesthésiât(... that) she was anesthetizing
(... que) nous anesthésiassions(... that) we were anesthetizing
(... que) vous anesthésiassiez(... that) you were anesthetizing
(... que) ils anesthésiassent(... that) they were anesthetizing
(... que) elles anesthésiassent(... that) they were anesthetizing

anesthésie Anesthetize
anesthésionsLet's anesthetize
anesthésiez Anesthetize

Present ParticipleScored
anesthésiant anesthetizing

Past ParticipleScored
anesthésié anesthetized

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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