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Conjugation of the French verb dévorer

A list of the common conjugations for the French verb dévorer, along with their English translations.

Verb phrases

dévorerto devour

je dévoreI devour
tu dévoresyou devour
il dévorehe devours
elle dévoreshe devours
nous dévoronswe devour
vous dévorezyou devour
ils dévorentthey devour
elles dévorentthey devour

je dévoraisI was devouring
tu dévoraisyou were devouring
il dévoraithe was devouring
elle dévoraitshe was devouring
nous dévorionswe were devouring
vous dévoriezyou were devouring
ils dévoraientthey were devouring
elles dévoraientthey were devouring

Past Historic / Passé Simple
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passé Composé is used to refer to past actions.
je dévoraiI devoured
tu dévorasyou devoured
il dévorahe devoured
elle dévorashe devoured
nous dévorâmeswe devoured
vous dévorâtesyou devoured
ils dévorèrentthey devoured
elles dévorèrentthey devoured

Passé ComposéScored
j'ai dévoréI have devoured
tu as dévoréyou have devoured
il a dévoréhe has devoured
elle a dévoréshe has devoured
nous avons dévoréwe have devoured
vous avez dévoréyou have devoured
ils ont dévoréthey have devoured
elles ont dévoréthey have devoured

Pluperfect / Plus-que-parfaitScored
j'avais dévoréI had devoured
tu avais dévoréyou had devoured
il avait dévoréhe had devoured
elle avait dévoréshe had devoured
nous avions dévoréwe had devoured
vous aviez dévoréyou had devoured
ils avaient dévoréthey had devoured
elles avaient dévoréthey had devoured

je dévoreraiI will devour
tu dévorerasyou will devour
il dévorerahe will devour
elle dévorerashe will devour
nous dévoreronswe will devour
vous dévorerezyou will devour
ils dévorerontthey will devour
elles dévorerontthey will devour

Future Perfect / Futur antérieur
The French Future Perfect or Futur antérieur is made with the future tense of avoir or être and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take être, or with the direct object for verbs that take avoir.
j'aurai dévoréI will have devoured
tu auras dévoréyou will have devoured
il aura dévoréhe will have devoured
elle aura dévoréshe will have devoured
nous aurons dévoréwe will have devoured
vous aurez dévoréyou will have devoured
ils auront dévoréthey will have devoured
elles auront dévoréthey will have devoured

je dévoreraisI would devour
tu dévoreraisyou would devour
il dévoreraithe would devour
elle dévoreraitshe would devour
nous dévorerionswe would devour
vous dévoreriezyou would devour
ils dévoreraientthey would devour
elles dévoreraientthey would devour

Conditional Perfect / Conditionnel passé
The French Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Conditionnel passé is made with the conditional tense of avoir or être and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take être, or with the direct object for verbs that take avoir.
j'aurais dévoréI would have devoured
tu aurais dévoréyou would have devoured
il aurait dévoréhe would have devoured
elle aurait dévoréshe would have devoured
nous aurions dévoréwe would have devoured
vous auriez dévoréyou would have devoured
ils auraient dévoréthey would have devoured
elles auraient dévoréthey would have devoured

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) je dévore(... that) I devour
(... que) tu dévores(... that) you devour
(... que) il dévore(... that) he devours
(... que) elle dévore(... that) she devours
(... que) nous dévorions(... that) we devour
(... que) vous dévoriez(... that) you devour
(... que) ils dévorent(... that) they devour
(... que) elles dévorent(... that) they devour

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) je dévorasse(... that) I was devouring
(... que) tu dévorasses(... that) you were devouring
(... que) il dévorât(... that) he was devouring
(... que) elle dévorât(... that) she was devouring
(... que) nous dévorassions(... that) we were devouring
(... que) vous dévorassiez(... that) you were devouring
(... que) ils dévorassent(... that) they were devouring
(... que) elles dévorassent(... that) they were devouring

dévore Devour
dévoronsLet's devour
dévorez Devour

Present ParticipleScored
dévorant devouring

Past ParticipleScored
dévoré devoured

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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