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Conjugation of the French verb habiter

A list of the common conjugations for the French verb habiter, along with their English translations.

Verb phrases

habiterto live

je habiteI live
tu habitesyou live
il habitehe lives
elle habiteshe lives
nous habitonswe live
vous habitezyou live
ils habitentthey live
elles habitentthey live

je habitaisI was living
tu habitaisyou were living
il habitaithe was living
elle habitaitshe was living
nous habitionswe were living
vous habitiezyou were living
ils habitaientthey were living
elles habitaientthey were living

Past Historic / Passé Simple
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passé Composé is used to refer to past actions.
je habitaiI lived
tu habitasyou lived
il habitahe lived
elle habitashe lived
nous habitâmeswe lived
vous habitâtesyou lived
ils habitèrentthey lived
elles habitèrentthey lived

Passé ComposéScored
j'ai habitéI have lived
tu as habitéyou have lived
il a habitéhe has lived
elle a habitéshe has lived
nous avons habitéwe have lived
vous avez habitéyou have lived
ils ont habitéthey have lived
elles ont habitéthey have lived

Pluperfect / Plus-que-parfaitScored
j'avais habitéI had lived
tu avais habitéyou had lived
il avait habitéhe had lived
elle avait habitéshe had lived
nous avions habitéwe had lived
vous aviez habitéyou had lived
ils avaient habitéthey had lived
elles avaient habitéthey had lived

je habiteraiI will live
tu habiterasyou will live
il habiterahe will live
elle habiterashe will live
nous habiteronswe will live
vous habiterezyou will live
ils habiterontthey will live
elles habiterontthey will live

Future Perfect / Futur antérieur
The French Future Perfect or Futur antérieur is made with the future tense of avoir or être and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take être, or with the direct object for verbs that take avoir.
j'aurai habitéI will have lived
tu auras habitéyou will have lived
il aura habitéhe will have lived
elle aura habitéshe will have lived
nous aurons habitéwe will have lived
vous aurez habitéyou will have lived
ils auront habitéthey will have lived
elles auront habitéthey will have lived

je habiteraisI would live
tu habiteraisyou would live
il habiteraithe would live
elle habiteraitshe would live
nous habiterionswe would live
vous habiteriezyou would live
ils habiteraientthey would live
elles habiteraientthey would live

Conditional Perfect / Conditionnel passé
The French Conditional Perfect (the past conditional) or Conditionnel passé is made with the conditional tense of avoir or être and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take être, or with the direct object for verbs that take avoir.
j'aurais habitéI would have lived
tu aurais habitéyou would have lived
il aurait habitéhe would have lived
elle aurait habitéshe would have lived
nous aurions habitéwe would have lived
vous auriez habitéyou would have lived
ils auraient habitéthey would have lived
elles auraient habitéthey would have lived

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) je habite(... that) I live
(... que) tu habites(... that) you live
(... que) il habite(... that) he lives
(... que) elle habite(... that) she lives
(... que) nous habitions(... that) we live
(... que) vous habitiez(... that) you live
(... que) ils habitent(... that) they live
(... que) elles habitent(... that) they live

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) je habitasse(... that) I was living
(... que) tu habitasses(... that) you were living
(... que) il habitât(... that) he was living
(... que) elle habitât(... that) she was living
(... que) nous habitassions(... that) we were living
(... que) vous habitassiez(... that) you were living
(... que) ils habitassent(... that) they were living
(... que) elles habitassent(... that) they were living

habite Live
habitonsLet's live
habitez Live

Present ParticipleScored
habitant living

Past ParticipleScored
habité lived

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Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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