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Conjugation of the French verb ruiner

A list of the common conjugations for the French verb ruiner, along with their English translations.

Verb phrases

ruinerto ruin

je ruineI ruin
tu ruinesyou ruin
il ruinehe ruins
elle ruineshe ruins
nous ruinonswe ruin
vous ruinezyou ruin
ils ruinentthey ruin
elles ruinentthey ruin

je ruinaisI was ruining
tu ruinaisyou were ruining
il ruinaithe was ruining
elle ruinaitshe was ruining
nous ruinionswe were ruining
vous ruiniezyou were ruining
ils ruinaientthey were ruining
elles ruinaientthey were ruining

Past Historic / Passé Simple
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passé Composé is used to refer to past actions.
je ruinaiI ruined
tu ruinasyou ruined
il ruinahe ruined
elle ruinashe ruined
nous ruinâmeswe ruined
vous ruinâtesyou ruined
ils ruinèrentthey ruined
elles ruinèrentthey ruined

je ruineraiI will ruin
tu ruinerasyou will ruin
il ruinerahe will ruin
elle ruinerashe will ruin
nous ruineronswe will ruin
vous ruinerezyou will ruin
ils ruinerontthey will ruin
elles ruinerontthey will ruin

je ruineraisI would ruin
tu ruineraisyou would ruin
il ruineraithe would ruin
elle ruineraitshe would ruin
nous ruinerionswe would ruin
vous ruineriezyou would ruin
ils ruineraientthey would ruin
elles ruineraientthey would ruin

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... que) je ruine(... that) I ruin
(... que) tu ruines(... that) you ruin
(... que) il ruine(... that) he ruins
(... que) elle ruine(... that) she ruins
(... que) nous ruinions(... that) we ruin
(... que) vous ruiniez(... that) you ruin
(... que) ils ruinent(... that) they ruin
(... que) elles ruinent(... that) they ruin

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... que) je ruinasse(... that) I was ruining
(... que) tu ruinasses(... that) you were ruining
(... que) il ruinât(... that) he was ruining
(... que) elle ruinât(... that) she was ruining
(... que) nous ruinassions(... that) we were ruining
(... que) vous ruinassiez(... that) you were ruining
(... que) ils ruinassent(... that) they were ruining
(... que) elles ruinassent(... that) they were ruining

ruine Ruin
ruinonsLet's ruin
ruinez Ruin

Present ParticipleScored
ruinant ruining

Past ParticipleScored
ruiné ruined

Regular conjugation
Irregular conjugation
Spelling change

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