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French Phrase of the Day

bon sens


French > English
bon sens
     1. n-m. common sense (ordinary understanding)
           en dépit du bon sens - in a way that defies all logic, contrary to good sense
French > French
bon sens
     1. n-m. Capacité de discerner clairement ce qui est évident, sans en être distrait par d'autres considérations.
     1. adj. good
           (parasyn, bien)
     2. adj. right, correct, appropriate
           (parasyn, exact)
           le bon usage - the correct usage
     1. n-m. meaning, sense
           le sens ultime de la vie - the ultimate meaning of life
           Les mots ont un sens. - Words have meanings.
     2. n-m. sense, sensation
     3. n-m. sense, intelligence
          1. v. to smell (to have a certain odor)
                Ça sent bon. - It smells good.
          2. v. to taste
          3. v. to feel (physical perception)
          4. v. to smell of, taste of

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