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French Phrase of the Day

contre toute attente


French > English
contre toute attente
     1. adv. against all odds (despite seemingly insurmountable opposition or probability)
French > French
contre toute attente
     1. v. En dépit de tout ce qu'on avait pensé auparavant.
     1. prep. against (in physical contact with)
           La paille est contre la maison - the straw is against the house
           Elle s'appuie contre le mur. - She's pushing against the wall.
     2. prep. against (not in favor of)
           Les citoyens sont pour, mais les hommes politiques sont contre. - The citizens are for, but the politicians are against.
     1. adv. feminine singular of tout
     2. det. feminine singular of tout
          1. adv. all
          2. det. all
          3. n-m. whole, entirety, total
                le tout
          4. pron. everything
     1. n-f. wait (the time that one is waiting or the state of waiting)
     2. n-f. expectation (act or state of expecting)
     3. n-f. shoulder strap insignia (military) http://circulaire.legifrance.gouv.fr/pdf/2014/10/cir_38770.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20190717154226/http://unor-reserves.fr/ressources%20pdf,%20xls,%20doc/Inst
          1. v. (+ à) to assault

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