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French Phrase of the Day

en attendant que


French > English
en attendant que
     1. conj. while
French > French
en attendant que
     1. conj. Jusqu'à ce que.
           On a qu'à jouer aux cartes en attendant qu'il soit là.
           En attendant que vous soyez mieux informé.
     1. prep. in (used to indicate space, also see usage notes)
           J'habite en Angleterre. - I live in England.
     2. prep. to (indicates direction towards certain very large locations, see usage notes)
           Il est allé en France. - He went to France.
     3. prep. by (used to indicate means)
     1. Participle. present participle of attendre
           En attendant Patrick, j'ai croisé David. - While waiting for Patrick, I ran into David.
          1. v. to wait for, to await
                Je l'attends. - I'm waiting for her/him.
                J’attends mon cousin à la gare. - I'm waiting for my cousin at the station.
          2. v. to expect
                On attendait mieux de toi. - We expected better from you.
     1. conj. that (introduces a subordinate noun clause and connects it to its parent clause)
           Je vois que tu parles bien français. - I see that you speak French well.
     2. conj. Substitutes for another, previously stated conjunction.
           Si le temps est beau et que tout le monde est d'accord, nous mangerons en plein air. - If the weather is nice and if everyone likes the idea, we'll eat outside.
     3. conj. when, no sooner

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