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French Phrase of the Day

face à


French > English
face à
     1. prep. facing towards
     2. prep. versus, against; faced with
French > French
face à
     1. prep. En face de.
     2. prep. Contre.
     3. prep. (Figuré) Montrer.
     1. n-f. (anatomy) face
     2. n-f. surface, side
     3. n-f. (geometry) face
     4. n-f. head (of a coin)
     1. Notes. In Canada, à and a are not homophones, à a, a ɑː.
     2. prep. to (destination)
           aller au bout - go to the end / go all the way
           Je vais à Paris. - I am going to Paris.
     3. prep. to (until)

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