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French Phrase of the Day

gagner sa vie


French > English
gagner sa vie
     1. v. to earn a living, to make a living
           bien gagner sa vie - to make good money
French > French
gagner sa vie
     1. v. Gagner de quoi vivre, notamment en travaillant.
     1. v. to win
           On a gagné la ligue ! - We won the league!
     2. v. to earn
           Je gagne 10 euros de l'heure. - I earn 10 euros an hour.
     3. v. to gain; to obtain
     1. det. (possessive) his, her, its, their, one's
           Emma est allée chez sa sœur. - Emma went to her sister's house.
           Pierre a perdu sa carte d'identité. - Pierre has lost his identity card.
           Sa voiture est blanche. - Their car is white.
     1. n-f. life, the state of organisms (organic beings) prior to death
     2. n-f. life, period in which one is alive, between birth and death
     3. n-f. biography, life
     4. n-f. life, lifeforms
           L’apparition de la vie sur Terre - The appearance of life on Earth

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s'il vous plaîtde rienface àà bas
en massen'importe quoifin de semainepas de quoi
gagner sa viede quoipoint d'exclamationtout à fait
tôt ou tardil ne fallait pastempête de sablese mettre

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