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French Phrase of the Day

gueule de bois


French > English
gueule de bois
     1. n-f. (informal) hangover
French > French
gueule de bois
     1. n-f. (Figuré) (Familier) Malaises matinaux (mal de tête, vertiges, etc.) dus à un abus d'alcool.
           — Ah ! vous avez envie d'un John Collins ! Excellente idée ! Prenons un John Collins Tout à fait fameux pour le… wooden mouth ! Comment dites-vous en français ?
     1. n-f. gullet, snout, face (of an animal)
     2. n-f. (informal) mug (person's face)
     3. n-f. (informal) mouth
     4. v. first-person singular present of gueuler
     5. v. third-person singular present of gueuler
          1. v. (slang) to yell, to scream
     1. prep. of (expresses belonging)
           Paris est la capitale de la France. - Paris is the capital of France.
     2. prep. of (used to express property or association)
           Œuvres de Fermat - Fermat’s Works
           Elle est la femme de mon ami. - She is my friend’s wife.
     1. n-m. wood (substance making up the central part of the trunk and branches of a tree)
     2. n-m. wood (wood of a particular species of tree)
     3. n-m. wood, woodland (forested or wooded area)
     4. n-m. antler (branching and bony structure on the head of deer, moose and elk, normally in pairs)
     5. n-m. (music) woodwind instrument, woodwind
          1. v. to drink

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