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French Phrase of the Day

il y a lieu


     1. pron. he (third-person singular masculine subject pronoun for human subject)
           Il est parti. - He left.
     2. pron. it (third-person singular subject pronoun for grammatically masculine objects)
           Je cherche mon livre. Où est-il ? - I'm looking for my book. Where is it?
     3. pron. (impersonal pronoun) Impersonal subject; it
     1. pron. there (at a place)
           Il est dans la maison. Il y est. - He is in the house. He is there.
     2. pron. there, thither (to there)
           Nous allons au Mexique. Nous y allons. - We are going to Mexico. We are going there.
     3. pron. Used as a pronoun to replace an adverbial phrase starting with à.
     1. n. a, the name of the Latin-script letter A
     2. pron. (Quebec, colloquial) alt form-lite, elle, , she
           C'te fille-là, a'a l'air cute. - This girl, she looks cute.
     3. v. third-person singular present indicative of avoir
           Elle a un chat. - She has a cat.
          1. n-m. asset, possession
          2. v. to have (to own; to possess)
                J'aimerais avoir 20 dollars. - I would like to have 20 dollars.
          3. v. (auxiliary) to have (auxiliary verb to form compound past tenses of most verbs)
                J'ai parlé. - I have spoken, I spoke.
     1. n-m. place
     2. n-m. any of several fish from the Pollachius family

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