French > English |
point d'exclamation |
1. n-m. exclamation mark, exclamation point |
French > French |
point d'exclamation |
1. n-m. « ! », un signe de ponctuation qui se met à la fin d'une phrase exclamative, à la place du point. |
Analysis |
point |

1. n-m. point (small mark) |
2. n-m. (sports) point |
3. n-m. full stop, period (punctuation mark) |
4. n-m. (knitting) stitch pattern |
5. n-m. dot (Morse code symbol) |
poindre |
1. v. to prick, sting |
2. v. to sting, afflict (of pain, love etc.) |
3. v. to come up (of a plant), peep through |
4. v. to break, dawn (of day); to break (of dawn) |
5. v. to appear, spring up |
de |

1. prep. of (expresses belonging) |
Paris est la capitale de la France. - Paris is the capital of France. |
2. prep. of (used to express property or association) |
Œuvres de Fermat - Fermat’s Works |
Elle est la femme de mon ami. - She is my friend’s wife. |
exclamation |
1. n-f. exclamation (cry of joy) |