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French Phrase of the Day

tombée de la nuit


French > English
tombée de la nuit
     1. n-f. nightfall
           à la tombée de la nuit - at nightfall
French > French
tombée de la nuit
     1. n-f. Les minutes qui précèdent la nuit.
     1. n-f. fall (act of falling)
     2. n-f. (Gastronomy) the arranging of a small quantity of something on a plate
     3. Participle. feminine singular of tombé
          1. v. to fall
                Un tamis placé à l'intérieur du dispositif empêchera les choses de tomber dans le tube. - A screen placed inside the device will keep things from falling into the tube.
          2. v. to come down
                Laisse la pluie tomber sur nous et recouvre le pays de cette eau qui donne la vie. - Let the rains come down upon us and cover the land with life-giving water.
          3. v. (indtr, sur) to bump into, to come across; to be received by (when making a telephone call)
     1. prep. of (expresses belonging)
           Paris est la capitale de la France. - Paris is the capital of France.
     2. prep. of (used to express property or association)
           Œuvres de Fermat - Fermat’s Works
           Elle est la femme de mon ami. - She is my friend’s wife.
     1. art. the (definite article)
     2. pron. her, it (direct object)
           Où est Judith ? Je ne la vois pas. - Where is Judith? I don't see her.
           Prends cette boîte et mets-la dans le coin. - Take that box and put it in the corner.
     3. n-m. (music) la, the note 'A'
     1. n-f. night
     2. v. third-person singular present indicative of nuire
          1. v. to harm, to spoil (+preo, à)
                Fumer nuit à la santé. - Smoking is harmful to your health.
                La cigarette nuit au bébé. - Cigarettes are harmful to a baby.

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