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French Sentence of the Day


C'est il y a dix ans que je suis allé aux États-Unis.


It was ten years ago that I went to the United States.


     1. contraction. it is (used to define the preceding word)
     2. contraction. it is (used to introduce a focus)
     3. contraction. this is
     1. pron. he (third-person singular masculine subject pronoun for human subject)
     2. pron. it (third-person singular subject pronoun for grammatically masculine objects)
     3. pron. (impersonal pronoun) Impersonal subject; it
     1. pron. there (at a place)
     2. pron. there, thither (to there)
     3. pron. Used as a pronoun to replace an adverbial phrase starting with à.
     4. pron.          With verbs: see for verbs which use this structure.
     5. pron. With adjectives. Only used with a handful of adjectives (the most common combination being y compris, which is a special case), mainly in legal terminology.
     6. pron. (Quebec, France, colloquial) he: Alternative form of il
     7. pron. (Quebec, France, colloquial) they: Alternative form of ils
     8. pron. (Quebec, colloquial) they: Alternative form of elles
     1. n. a, the name of the Latin-script letter A
     2. pron. (Quebec, colloquial) alt form-lite, elle, , she
     3. v. third-person singular present indicative of avoir
          1. n-m. asset, possession
          2. v. to have (to own; to possess)
          3. v. (auxiliary) to have (auxiliary verb to form compound past tenses of most verbs)
          4. v. to have (a condition)
          5. v. to have (a measure or age)
          6. v. to have (to trick)
          7. v. to have (to participate in an experience)
          8. v. (indtr, à) to have (to), must +preo, à, infinitive
il y a
     1. v. singular present indicative of y avoir: there is, there are
     2. prep. ago
y a
     1. v. (colloquial)contraction of il y a
y avoir
     1. v. (impersonal, transitive) there be
     1. num. ten
     1. n. plural of an
          1. n-m. year
     1. conj. that (introduces a subordinate noun clause and connects it to its parent clause)
     2. conj. Substitutes for another, previously stated conjunction.
     3. conj. when, no sooner
     4. conj. (Links two noun phrases in apposition forming a clause without a (finite) verb, such that the complement acts as predicate.)
     5. conj. introduces a comparison
     6. conj.          (comparisons of superiority or inferiority) than
     7. conj.          (comparisons of equality) as
     8. conj. (used with ne) only, just; but, nothing but
     9. conj. how (in rhetorical interjections)
     10. pron. (tlb, interrogative)
     11. pron. (slightly formal, accusative) (The inanimate direct-object interrogative pronoun.)
     12. pron. (slightly formal, nominative) (The inanimate subject or predicative interrogative pronoun.)
     13. pron. (accusative, relative) (The direct object relative pronoun.)
     1. pron. I
     1. v. first-person singular present indicative of être
     2. v. first-person singular present indicative of suivre
     3. v. second-person singular present indicative of suivre
          1. v. to follow (literal sense)
          2. v. to follow; to get (figurative sense; to understand what someone is saying)
          3. v. to take (a course or a class)
          1. v. to be
          2. v. (auxiliary) Used to form the perfect and pluperfect tense of (including all reflexive verbs)
          3. v. (semi-auxiliary) to be (Used to form the passive voice)
          4. n-m. being, creature
          5. n-m. being, the state or fact of existence
     1. Participle. past participle of aller
          1. v. to go + à, location (object) = to
          2. v. to attend (school, church regularly) (+preo, à)
          3. v. (when followed by an infinitive verb) to be going (to); will soon; (forms a near-future tense)
          4. v. (when followed by an adverb) to be (feeling)
          5. v. to go well + avec (object) = with (clothes, colors, etc.)
          6. v. to suit (+preo, à, someone)
          7. v. to be X-proof (to be suitable for use in an appliance without running the risk of being damaged in the process) (+preo, à)
          8. n-m. outward trip; journey out; trip away
     1. contraction. Contraction of à + les ('to the' or 'of the')
          1. Notes. In Canada, à and a are not homophones, à a, a ɑː.
          2. prep. to (destination)
          3. prep. to (until)
          4. prep. on the, to (some directions)
          5. prep. at (said of a particular time)
          6. prep. at, in, on (said of a particular place)
          7. prep. Used in various interjections used as warnings or exhortations
          8. prep. from (origin)
          9. prep. of (belonging to)
          10. prep. till, until (used in farewells)
          11. prep. (cuisine) cooked in or with
          12. prep. Used to make compound nouns to state what something is used for
          13. prep. (before an infinitive) to (used to express something not completed)
          14. prep. Used to describe a part of something, often translated into English as a compound adjective
          15. prep. by
          16. prep. or, to (used to express an approximate number)
          17. prep. Used to indicate the recipient of certain phrasal verb.
          18. prep. with
          1. art. plural of le: the
          2. art. plural of la: the
          3. pron. plural of le: them
          4. pron. plural of la: them
     1. n. plural of État
          1. n-m. state, nation
          2. n-m. government

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