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French Sentence of the Day


Elles sont toutes plus entêtées les unes que les autres.


They are each stubborner than the last.


     1. pron. they (female)
     2. pron. them (female)
     3. n. plural of elle
     1. v. third-person plural present indicative of être
          1. v. to be
          2. v. (auxiliary) Used to form the perfect and pluperfect tense of (including all reflexive verbs)
          3. v. (semi-auxiliary) to be (Used to form the passive voice)
          4. n-m. being, creature
          5. n-m. being, the state or fact of existence
     1. adv. feminine plural of tout
     2. det. feminine plural of tout
          1. adv. all
          2. det. all
          3. n-m. whole, entirety, total
          4. pron. everything
     1. adv. more, -er (used to form comparatives of adjectives)
     2. adv. more, -er (used to form comparatives of adverbs)
     3. adv. (after a verb) more, -er (indicating a higher degree or quantity)
     4. adv. more (indicating a greater quantity) (+preo, noun)
     5. adv. more (supplementary, preceded by de)
     6. adv. (preceded by a definite article) the most, -est (used to form superlatives of adjectives and adverbs)
     7. adv. (usually with the negative particle ne, see usage notes below) no longer, not ... any more
     8. adv. (elliptically, introducing each clause) the more ..., the more ...
     9. adv. (similarly, used with other comparatives) the more ..., the ...
     10. n-m. plus, the symbol +
     11. v. singular past historic of plaire
     12. Participle. masculine plural of plu
     1. adj. feminine plural of entêté
          1. adj. stubborn
     1. art. plural of le: the
     2. art. plural of la: the
     3. pron. plural of le: them
     4. pron. plural of la: them
     1. n. plural of une
          1. num. feminine singular of un
          2. art. a / an (feminine indefinite article)
          3. n-f. front page (of a publication)
     1. conj. that (introduces a subordinate noun clause and connects it to its parent clause)
     2. conj. Substitutes for another, previously stated conjunction.
     3. conj. when, no sooner
     4. conj. (Links two noun phrases in apposition forming a clause without a (finite) verb, such that the complement acts as predicate.)
     5. conj. introduces a comparison
     6. conj.          (comparisons of superiority or inferiority) than
     7. conj.          (comparisons of equality) as
     8. conj. (used with ne) only, just; but, nothing but
     9. conj. how (in rhetorical interjections)
     10. pron. (tlb, interrogative)
     11. pron. (slightly formal, accusative) (The inanimate direct-object interrogative pronoun.)
     12. pron. (slightly formal, nominative) (The inanimate subject or predicative interrogative pronoun.)
     13. pron. (accusative, relative) (The direct object relative pronoun.)
     1. art. plural of le: the
     2. art. plural of la: the
     3. pron. plural of le: them
     4. pron. plural of la: them
     1. adj. plural of autre
          1. adj. other
          2. adj. another

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