il |
1. pron. he (third-person singular masculine subject pronoun for human subject) |
2. pron. it (third-person singular subject pronoun for grammatically masculine objects) |
3. pron. (impersonal pronoun) Impersonal subject; it |
me |
1. pron. (direct object) me |
2. pron. (indirect object) to me |
a |
1. n. a, the name of the Latin-script letter A |
2. pron. (Quebec, colloquial) alt form-lite, elle, , she |
3. v. third-person singular present indicative of avoir |
avoir |
1. n-m. asset, possession |
2. v. to have (to own; to possess) |
3. v. (auxiliary) to have (auxiliary verb to form compound past tenses of most verbs) |
4. v. to have (a condition) |
5. v. to have (a measure or age) |
6. v. to have (to trick) |
7. v. to have (to participate in an experience) |
8. v. (indtr, à) to have (to), must +preo, à, infinitive |
informé |
1. Participle. past participle of informer |
informer |
1. v. to inform; to enlighten; to impart knowledge (upon) |
2. v. to inquire |
de |
1. prep. of (expresses belonging) |
2. prep. of (used to express property or association) |
3. prep. from (used to indicate origin) |
4. prep. of (indicates an amount) |
5. prep. used attributively, often translated into English as a compound word |
6. prep. from (used to indicate the start of a time or range) |
7. prep. used after certain verbs before an infinitive, often translated into English as a gerund or an infinitive |
8. prep. by (indicates the amount of change) |
9. art. Used in the plural with prepositioned adjectives. |
10. art. Used in negated sentences with the grammatical object. |
11. n-f. abbreviation of dame |
la |
1. art. the (definite article) |
2. pron. her, it (direct object) |
3. n-m. (music) la, the note 'A' |
de la |
1. art. of the |
2. art. some; the feminine partitive article |
situation |
1. n-f. situation (all meanings) |
presente |