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The French word for to cry is

to cry

French Definition

     1. n. Cri.
     2. n. Pleur.
     3. v. Crier, hurler.
           I had so much pain I cried.
           J'avais tellement mal que je criai.
     4. v. Pleurer.
           I was so sad I cried.
           J'étais tellement triste que je pleurai.
     5. v. Crier, hurler.
           "London at last!" cried Nicholas, throwing back his greatcoat and rousing Smike from a long nap - (The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby Charles Dickens)
           Enfin nous sommes à Londres, cria Nicolas mettant bas son paletot et réveillant Smike, qui venait de faire un bon somme
     6. v. Pleurer.

Translations for cry and their definitions

     1. n-m. a male Cree; masculine of Crie
     2. n-m. cry; shout; scream
           Tu entends le cri du loup ? - Can you hear the wolf's cry?
     3. n-m. Cree (language)
     4. adj. (relational) Cree

     1. v. to cry, to weep
     2. v. to mourn

     1. v. to cry out
     2. v. to shout
     3. v. to creak

     1. n-m. cry (action of producing tears)
           en pleurs - crying

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