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The French word for to cry is

to cry

French Definition

     1. n. Cri.
     2. n. Pleur.
     3. v. Crier, hurler.
           I had so much pain I cried.
           J'avais tellement mal que je criai.
     4. v. Pleurer.
           I was so sad I cried.
           J'étais tellement triste que je pleurai.
     5. v. Crier, hurler.
           "London at last!" cried Nicholas, throwing back his greatcoat and rousing Smike from a long nap - (The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby Charles Dickens)
           Enfin nous sommes à Londres, cria Nicolas mettant bas son paletot et réveillant Smike, qui venait de faire un bon somme
     6. v. Pleurer.

Translations for cry and their definitions

     1. v. to cry, to weep
     2. v. to mourn

     1. n-m. a male Cree; masculine of Crie
     2. n-m. cry; shout; scream
           Tu entends le cri du loup ? - Can you hear the wolf's cry?
     3. n-m. Cree (language)
     4. adj. (relational) Cree

     1. v. to cry out
     2. v. to shout
     3. v. to creak

     1. n-m. cry (action of producing tears)
           en pleurs - crying

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