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The French word for fire is



The gender of feu is masculine. E.g. le feu.


The plural of feu is feux.

French Definition

     1. n. Feu.
           Then you have burned wood, only ashes remains from the fire.
           The night is falling, we have to light a fire to keep us warm.
     2. v. (États-Unis) Licencier (pour une faute grave), virer, renvoyer, balancer.
           She was fired from her job.
           Elle fut virée de son boulot.
     3. v. Tirer.
     4. v. (Prog) Déclencher un évènement, par exemple un trigger.
     5. v. (Vieilli) Embraser.
     6. interj. (Militaire) Feu !
     7. interj. Au feu !

Translations for fire and their definitions

     1. v. to draw, drag, pull
     2. v. to shoot
     3. v. to draw (conclusions), to consider (consequences)
     4. v. to leave a place
     5. v. to set free, to deliver

     1. v. to fire, to sack (to terminate the employment of)
     2. v. to licence

     1. n-m. fire
           As-tu remarqué que tes cheveux sont en feu ? - Have you noticed that your hair is on fire?
     2. n-m. (cigarette) lighter
     3. n-m. traffic light
     4. adj. deceased, the late
           Elle était la sœur de feu Jean Dupont - She was the sister of the late Jean Dupont

     1. v. to lay off, dismiss

mettre à la porte
     1. v. to kick out, to boot out
     2. v. to give someone the boot, to fire someone (to terminate the employment of)

     1. v. to dismiss (usually of senior staff, such as a minister, general, bishop, ambassador, etc), kick upstairs

     1. v. to bear, veer (change direction slightly)
           Virer à gauche. - Bear left.
     2. v. to turn into, become
           La situation va virer au drame. - The situation is going to turn into a drama.
     3. v. to transfer (money, from one account to another)
     4. v. to get rid of, fire, shitcan
           Tu pourrais te faire virer pour ça. - You could get yourself fired for that.

     1. v. to resend, retransmit; to send again
     2. v. to send back (to give back to the original sender)
     3. v. to give back, throw back, post back, bounce back, swing back etc.
     4. v. to put off, postpone (an appointment, a duty)
     5. v. to reflect (i.e. of a reflective surface)
     6. v. to echo (of sound, to come back)
     7. v. to fire, dismiss, expel a student
     8. v. to refer (somebody to something)
     9. v. to remind (somebody of something)

     1. v. to cook
           Le repas cuit. - The meal is cooking.
           Je fais cuire le repas. - I'm cooking the meal. / I cook the meal.
     2. v. first-person singular present of cuirer
     3. v. third-person singular present of cuirer
     4. v. second-person singular imperative of cuirer

     1. n-m. fire (something on fire which is out of control)
     2. v. first-person singular present of incendier
     3. v. third-person singular present of incendier
     4. v. second-person singular imperative of incendier

faire feu
     1. v. to fire (to shoot a weapon)

     1. n-m. stove
     2. n-f. frying pan, pan
     3. n-f. (colloquial) metal detector
     4. v. first-person singular present of poêler
     5. v. third-person singular present of poêler
     6. v. second-person singular imperative of poêler
     7. n-m. (religion) pall

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