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The French word for floor is



The gender of sol is masculine. E.g. le sol.


The plural of sol is sols.

French Definition

     1. n. Plancher.
           Pick your toys up off the floor.
     2. n. Étage. (usage) Le premier étage s'appelle first floor en Angleterre et second floor aux États-Unis.
           It's on the second floor.
     3. n. (Figuré) Minimum.
           They set a floor on the price.
     4. n. (Math) Partie entière.
     5. v. Établir les planchers.
     6. v. (Automobile) (Familier) Accélérer brusquement, mettre le pied au plancher.
     7. v. (Math) Arrondir à l'inférieur.

Translations for floor and their definitions

     1. n-m. soil, earth
     2. n-m. ground
     3. n-m. floor
     4. n-m. (music) sol (the fifth step (G) in the solfège scale of C, preceded by fa and followed by la)
     5. n-m. a Spanish-American gold or silver coin, now the main currency unit of Peru (also new sol), or a coin of this value

     1. n-m. floor
     2. n-m. lower limit
     3. n-m. (anatomy) floor
     4. v. to study something thoroughly, to work hard on something, to brainstorm
           J'ai planché sur le sujet. - I have made extensive research on the topic.

     1. n-m. (building) floor, storey
           Au premier étage. - On the first (UK)/second (US) floor
     2. n-m. (geology) stage, division of a geological period
           Historiquement, les fossiles sont les principaux critères de définition des étages, mais cette méthode n'est pas applicable partout — et même lorsqu'elle l'est, elle est désormais souvent corré
     3. n-m. (oceanography) floor in ocean and sea
           L'étage infralittoral est situé en dessous des basses mers de vive-eau.
     4. n-m. (climatology) zone
           Dans les massifs montagneux des régions tempérées, l'étage subalpin est compris entre 1700-1900 m à 2300-2500 m d'altitude.
     5. n-m. (rocketry) stage
           Un artificier allemand, Johann Schmidlap, inventa la fusée gigogne, un engin à multiples étages allumés séquentiellement et permettant de faire atteindre au feu d'artifice une plus grande altit
     6. v. first-person singular present of étager
     7. v. third-person singular present of étager
     8. v. second-person singular imperative of étager

     1. Proper noun. Word
     2. n-f. (the power of) speech, language (gloss, the faculty of using spoken language to communicate or express thought, the usage of this faculty, and the words articulated through its use)
           la parole et l'écriture - speech and writing
           (co, perdre la parole / perdre l'usage de la parole, to lose one's ability to speak)
           avoir la parole facile - to speak easily, to be well-spoken
           Les animaux manquent la parole. - Animals lack speech
     3. n-f. word(s) utterance, expression (an orally articulated unit of discourse)
     4. n-f. voice, spoken word
     5. n-f. (in the plural) lyrics, words (of a song)
           les paroles d'une chanson - the words of a song, lyrics of a song
     6. n-f. promise, word
           belles paroles - empty promise(s), lit=pretty words
           tenir parole - to keep one's word
           donner sa parole - to give one's word
           être fidèle à sa parole - to be true to one's word
           manquer à sa parole - to break one's word
           revenir sur sa parole - to go back on one's word
           croire sur parole - to take one's word
           Il tient parole. - He keeps his word.
     7. n-f. floor (the right to speak, as, for example, in a legislative assembly)
           avoir la parole - to have the floor
           prendre la parole - to take the floor
           donner, céder, passer, ou laisser la parole à quelqu'un - to give someone the floor
           couper la parole à quelqu'un, ou lui ôter la parole - to cut someone off
           Le député a la parole. - The member has the floor.

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