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The French word for hand is



The gender of main is feminine. E.g. la main.


The plural of main is mains.

French Definition

     1. n. (Anatomie) Main.
     2. n. (Horlogerie) Aiguille.
     3. n. (Poker) Main.
     4. n. Coup de main.
           I need a hand, could you please help me?
           J'ai besoin d'un coup de main, pourrais-tu m'aider s'il te plaît ?
     5. v. Donner, passer (de main à main, ou parfois au sens figuré).
           Hand me the salt, please.
           This is a stick-up. Hand over the money now!
           C'est un braquage. Donnez l'argent maintenant !
           She handed responsibility over to her deputy.
     6. v. Mener, guider (par la main).
           To hand a child across the street.
     7. v. (Marine) Ferler.

Translations for hand and their definitions

     1. n-f. hand
     2. n-f. (soccer) handball
     3. n-f. (poker) hand

     1. n-f. (botany, costumery, medicine) needle
           aiguille à tricoter - knitting needle
           de fil en aiguille - one thing leading to another
           chercher une aiguille dans une botte de foin - to look for a needle in a haystack
           talon aiguille - stiletto heel
     2. n-f. needle (of a compass)
     3. n-f. hand (of a watch)
           aiguille des secondes - second hand
           aiguille des minutes - minute hand
           aiguille des heure - hour hand
           dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre - clockwise
     4. n-f. spire (of a church)
     5. n-f. (railway) point, switch
     6. v. first-person singular present of aiguiller
     7. v. third-person singular present of aiguiller
     8. v. second-person singular imperative of aiguiller

     1. n-f. handful (amount held in hand)
     2. n-f. handful (a small number)
     3. n-f. handshake
     4. n-f. grip (part of an object someone grips)
     5. n-f. handle (of a door, drawer, suitcase, sword, etc.)

     1. v. to give, to transfer the possession/holding of something to someone else
     2. v. to donate
     3. v. to come across

     1. n-m. seaman

     1. v. to go past
     2. v. to cross (a border)
     3. v. (legal) to pass
           passer une loi - to pass a law
     4. v. to spend (time)
           J'ai passé les vacances en Espagne. - I spent the holidays in Spain.
           J'ai passé une splendide soirée chez toi. - I had a great evening at your place.
     5. v. to publish (a newspaper)
     6. v. to take, to sit (an exam or test)
           J'ai réussi l'examen que j'avais passé en avril. - I passed the exam that I took in April.
     7. v. to pass (an exam or test)
           Il est passé à l'examen. - He passed the exam.
     8. v. (dated) to pass (an exam or test)
           Il a passé l'examen. - He passed the exam.
     9. v. (public transportation) to run
           Le train passe toutes les vingt minutes. - The train runs every 20 minutes.
     10. v. to exceed (a limit)
     11. v. to percolate
     12. v. to hand down, to pass on
     13. v. to be allowed
     14. v. to pass, to go (between two entities)
     15. v. to show (a movie)
     16. v. to go up (a grade)
     17. v. to shift (change gear)
     18. v.          to go down
     19. v.          to go up
     20. v. to stop by, to pop in
           Il est passé nous voir. - He stopped by to see us.
           Je vais y passer demain pour mes affaires. - I'm going to stop by there tomorrow for my things.
     21. v. to pass away, to die
     22. v. (music) to spin (e.g. a disk)
     23. v. (TV) to show (be on television)
     24. v. (sports) to pass (kick, throw, hit etc. the ball to another player)
     25. v. (athletics) to pass (the relay baton)
     26. v. to pass on (infect someone else with a disease)
     27. v. to put, to place, to slip (move a part of one's body somewhere else)
     28. v. to wipe, rub
           Elle passe de la crème sur son ventre. - She's rubbing cream on her belly.
     29. v. to skip a go
     30. v. to put (make something undergo something)
     31. v. (card games) to pass (not play upon one's turn)
     32. v. to take place, to happen, to come to pass
           Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ici ? - What happened here?
     33. v. to go by
     34. v. to do without
           Je ne peux pas me passer du café le matin. - I can't do without a cup of coffee in the morning.
     35. v. to don
           Il passa son pantalon. - He put on his pants.
     36. v. (indtr, pour) to be thought to be, to be said to be, to be taken for
           faire passer quelqu'un pour quelque chose - to make someone out to be something
           se faire passer pour - to pass oneself off as, to pose as, to impersonate

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