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The French word for head is



The gender of tête is feminine. E.g. la tête.


The plural of tête is têtes.

French Definition

     1. adj. Relatif à la tête.
     2. adj. Relatif au chef, chef/directeur de.
     3. adj. D'en face.
     4. n. (Anatomie) Tête.
     5. n. Aptitude
           The company is looking for somebody with a good head for business.
           La société recherche quelqu'un ayant de bonnes aptitudes pour ce poste.
     6. n. (Travail) Chef.
           Head of department
           Chef de service
     7. n. Source.
           The expedition followed the river all the way to the head.
           L'expédition a suivi la rivière jusqu'à sa source.
     8. n. Titre.
     9. n. (Éducation) Principal ou principale d'un école, lycée, etc.
           I was called into the head's office to discuss my behaviour.
     10. n. (Cuisine) (Botanique) Une unité de mesure de l'entièreté d'un chou, d'un laitue, ou d'autres plantes comestibles
           A head of lettuce
           Une tête (entière et attachée) de laitue
           A head of garlic is divided into many cloves.
           Une tête d'ail se divise en un ensemble de gousses.
     11. n. (Vulgaire) Fellation, cunnilingus.
     12. v. Mettre le cap (sur, à).
           Let's head for California. There are bound to be more opportunities there.
           Allons voir en Californie. On peut s'attendre à y trouver plus d'occasions là-bas.
     13. v. Diriger, commander, être le chef.
     14. v. Intituler, donner un titre.
     15. v. (Football) Faire une tête.

Translations for head and their definitions

se diriger
     1. to head

     1. n-f. head (part of the body)
           J'ai mal à la tête - I have a headache
     2. n-f. head (leader)
     3. n-f. (soccer) header
     4. n-f. (colloquial) a bright spark, a quick study
           Ce type-là, c'est une tête - This guy is a head

     1. v. to run
     2. v. to hurry; to rush
     3. v. (Louisiana French) to go
           Courez chercher mon livre! - Go get my book!

     1. adj. leading, managing
     2. n-m. director
     3. n-m. school principal

     1. v. to order (tell someone to do something)
     2. v. to order (ask for a product)

     1. adj. blunt
     2. n-f. moss (the plant)
     3. n-f. bryophyte (in the broad sense)
     4. n-f. foam
     5. n-f. mousse (dessert)
     6. n-m. a boy serving on a ship: a cabin boy
     7. v. first-person singular present of mousser
     8. v. third-person singular present of mousser
     9. v. second-person singular imperative of mousser

     1. n-m. (Roman Catholicism) chapter (reading at canonical hour)
     2. n-m. (botany) capitulum, flower head
     3. v. first-person singular present of capituler
     4. v. third-person singular present of capituler
     5. v. second-person singular imperative of capituler

     1. n-f. toilet
           (near-syn, baquet, cuvette, cuve)

chef ©
     1. n-m. (now literary) head
           opiner du chef - to nod
     2. n-m. article, principal point
           les principaux chefs d’une demande - the main points of a request
     3. n-m. principal motive, charge, count of indictment
           Le procureur a tenu à refaire une lecture des chefs d’accusation. - The prosecutor insisted on reading off the counts of indictment again.
     4. n-m. (heraldry) chief; top third of a coat of arms
           d'or au chef de gueules - or, a chief gules
     5. n-m. a boss, chief, leader
           Le pape est le chef de l’Église. - The pope is the head of the church.
     6. n-m. a culinary chef, chief cook
           Créant dans des établissements de prestige de nombreuses recettes reprises ensuite par d'autres chefs, Escoffier a fait connaitre internationalement la cuisine française. - Creating in prestigi

     1. n-m. end, extremity, tip (of a physical object)
     2. n-m. bit, piece, scrap
     3. n-m. (nautical) rope
     4. n-m. (curling) end
     5. v. third-person singular present indicative of bouillir

     1. n-f. female equivalent of directeur

     1. v. to run; to direct (be the director of)
           Il dirige son entreprise avec passion. - He runs his business with passion.
     2. v. to supervise; to oversee
     3. v. to steer (vehicles)
           Il sait bien diriger le bateau. - He knows how to steer the boat.
     4. v. to aim, to direct
           Dirigez vos armes à l'ennemi. - Aim your weapons at the enemy.
     5. v. (cinematography) to direct (a film)
     6. v. to go towards; to head (for)
           Le camion se dirige vers la falaise. - The truck is heading for the cliff.

     1. v. to hat (put a hat on someone)
     2. v. to head (be in control of something)

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