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The French word for to hold is

to hold

French Definition

     1. n. Prise, empire.
     2. n. (Architecture) Donjon ; Tour la plus forte du château où se conservaient les archives et le trésor et où se concentraient les derniers efforts de la défense.
     3. n. (Marine) Cale, soute.
     4. v. Tenir, retenir, détenir.
     5. v. Contenir, renfermer.
     6. v. (Figuré) Penser, être d'avis que.

Translations for hold and their definitions

     1. v. to contain (To have in)
     2. v. to contain, to hold back (control, e.g. a disease, tears), to keep in check (control something that might hurt you, e.g. emotions)
     3. v. to hold, to take, to seat (To have a capacity of)

     1. n-f. hold (of a boat, plane etc.)

     1. v. to have; to hold
     2. v. to keep
     3. v. to take (e.g., take into account, take into consideration); to consider; to account for; to reflect
           Peut-être devons-nous tenir compte de plusieurs problèmes. - Maybe we should take several issues into account.
     4. v. to stay; to hold
     5. v. to hold on
           Elle descend en se tenant aux racines. - She comes down using the roots for handles (holding on to the roots).
     6. v. to hold oneself, to be standing
           Il se tenait dans le coin. - He stood in the corner.
     7. v. to behave
           Tiens-toi bien. - Behave yourself.
     8. v. to maintain, remain in a certain position or disposition
           Tiens-toi droit! - Keep yourself straight!
           Elle se tient immobile sur la corde raide. - She stays still on the tightrope.
     9. v. (indtr, à) to be attached to something, to be fond of something, to hold something dear; to wish to
     10. v. to hang out

     1. n-f. wedge (under door etc.)
     2. n-f. (golf) wedge
     3. n-f. chock (for wheel)
     4. n-f. (obsolete) immersion (in water)
     5. n-f. hold (of a ship)
     6. n-f. slipway
     7. n-f. bilge

     1. v. to support
     2. v. to keep up
     3. v. (used with que) to maintain (that)
     4. v. to argue

     1. v. to keep; to retain; to store; to save
           garder les yeux ouverts - to keep eyes open
           Elle a le droit de garder secrètes la plupart de ses caractéristiques. - She has the right to keep most of her characteristics secret.
     2. v. to guard
           Ils gardent le bâtiment. - They guard the building.
     3. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to be careful (de faire not to do)
           il se garde de dire n'importe quoi. - He is careful not to say anything.

     1. v. to retain, hold
     2. v.          to hold back, rein in
     3. v.          to keep, detain, hold up
     4. v. to remember
     5. v. to accept (que that)
     6. v. to uphold
     7. v. to restrain oneself, hold back
           Je n'ai pas pu me retenir, je n'ai pas pu m'en empêcher. - I couldn't help myself.

     1. v. (legal) to detain
     2. v. to possess, to have, to hold

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