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The French word for judge is



The gender of juge is masculine. E.g. le juge.


The plural of juge is juges.

French Definition

     1. n. Juge.
     2. v. Juger, adjuger.

Translations for judge and their definitions

     1. n-m. (law, religion) judge
     2. n-m. (sports) referee
     3. v. first-person singular present of juger
     4. v. third-person singular present of juger
     5. v. second-person singular imperative of juger

     1. v. (legal) to judge, to try
     2. v. (in general) to judge, to deem
           Ne savez-vous pas que nous jugerons les anges? - Do you not know that we will judge angels?

     1. n. (legal) mediator, arbitrator
     2. n. (sports) referee
     3. n-m. (philosophy, archaic) the will

     1. v. to think, reflect, concentrate one's mind on something
           Penser tout haut. - Think aloud, speak one's mind freely.
     2. v. to estimate, imagine, believe
           Vous n'en êtes pas où vous pensez. - You are not where you think you are.
           Il y a, je pense, dix kilomètres de chez vous chez moi. - It is ten kilometres, I estimate, from your place to my place.
           J'irai vous voir demain, je pense. - I will see you tomorrow, I suppose.
           La chose n'est pas si facile qu'on le pense. - The thing is not as simple as one might believe.
           Je ne pensais pas que vous vous méprendriez sur le sens de mes paroles. - I didn't imagine you would be mistaken on the sense of my words.
     3. v. (originally with a que sentence) to be of the opinion that, believe
           Je pensais qu'il était de vos amis. - I thought he was a friend.
           Je veux être d'accord avec toi, mais je ne pense pas que nous ayons besoin de son aide. - I want to agree with you, but I don't think we need his help.
           Je pense comme vous. - I agree with your view.
           Il ne dit rien qu'il ne pense. - He doesn't say anything he doesn't believe.
           Dites librement ce que vous pensez. - Cavalierly state your opinion.
           J'espère qu'il ne pense pas ce qu'il dit. - I hope he doesn't believe what he is saying.
           Faites-moi connaître votre façon de penser. - Tell me how you think about it.
           Pensez-vous ? - Do you really believe that? (1935, punning at the dialogue partner's missing belief in his own statement)
     4. v. to be absorbed by a worry or depressing thoughts
     5. v. to conceive a project
     6. v. (with de + object) to evoke the image or remembrance of someone in one's mind
           Penser d'aucun.
     7. v. (with à + object) to attach one's thinking to someone, especially lovingly
           Pensez à moi. - Think of me.
           Il ne pense qu'à celle qu'il aime. - He only thinks but of his beloved.
     8. v. (with infinitive) to believe being or doing something
           Il pense être plus habile que les autres. - He believes being smarter than others.
           Il ne pensait pas être observé. - He didn't think he was being observed.
           J'ai pensé mourir. - I thought I was going to die.
     9. v. (with mal or bien + de + object) to think well or badly, to have a high or low opinion of someone
           C'est un homme qui pense toujours mal des autres. - It's a man who always thinks badly of others.
           Je ne pense de cette affaire ni bien ni mal. - I don't think neither well nor badly of this affair.
           Que pensez-vous de cet homme ? - What do you think about this man?
     10. v. (with de + infinitive) to try or prepare to do something
           Penser de faire qqc.
     11. v. to reflect on something
           Soi penser qqc.
     12. v. (with à + object) to bear, keep something in mind, to consider something
           Le mal vient sans qu'on y pense. - Evil comes without one thinking of it.
           Faire ou dire une chose sans penser à mal. - Do or say something without meaning to harm.
           À quoi pensez-vous ? - What are you thinking?
     13. v. (with infinitive) to intend to do, aim at doing something
           Je pensais aller vous voir. - I fancied paying you a visit.
           Que pensez-vous faire ? - What do you intend to do?
     14. v. to have something in one's mind (c. 1220 in Barlaam et Josaphat, ed. C. Appel, 5623)
           C'est un homme qui ne dit jamais ce qu'il pense. - That's a man who never says what he thinks.
           Il pense beaucoup de choses qu'il ne dit pas. - He thinks a lot of things he doesn't say.
     15. v. (with à + infinitive) to intend to do, aim at doing something
           À quoi pensez-vous de vous conduire ainsi ? - What are you aiming at by behaving like this?
           Je suis trop de vos amis pour avoir pensé à vous nuire. - I am too much your friend to think of harming you.
           Je pensais à aller vous voir hier. - I considered to visit you yesterday.
     16. v. (with mal, obsolete) to intend to do something bad
           Penser mal.
     17. v. (with à + object) to take care of
           Il nous a reçus admirablement, il a pensé à tout. - He has welcomed us admirably, he has thought of everything.
     18. v. (with bien, in politics, religion, moral) to have opinions in accordance with the agreed principles
           Bien penser.
     19. v. (with adverb or adverbial expression) to have a certain intellectual tendency, preference or property
           Penser finement, noblement, singulièrement, hardiment. - To think finely, nobly, in a singular way, boldly.
           Penser avec justesse. - To think with accuracy.
           Penser juste. - To think in the right way.

     1. v. to slice, to cut into slices
     2. v. to complete, conclude
           Il a tranché ses jours. - He has concluded his days on earth.
     3. v. to decide, to settle, to address
     4. v. to rule, make a ruling, come to a decision
     5. v. to behave or comport oneself (as if one were)
           Le comte trancha du grand seigneur. - The count comported himself as if he were God Almighty.
     6. v. to contrast (with), stand out (against)
     7. v. to stand out (in)

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