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The French word for light is



The gender of lumière is feminine. E.g. la lumière.


The plural of lumière is lumières.

French Definition

     1. adj. Clair, de couleur pâle.
     2. adj. Léger.
     3. adj. (Gastron) Avec du lait ou de la crème en parlant de café.
           I'll have my coffee light, thanks.
           J'aimerais du lait dans mon café, merci.
     4. n. (Physique) Lumière.
     5. n. Source émettant de la lumière.
           I see a light in the distance.
     6. n. (Electric light) Luminaire, lumière artificielle (voir « lighting »).
           Please turn on the light.
     7. n. (Popu) Feu (de circulation routière) (traffic light).
           Turn right at the light.
     8. v. Allumer un feu.
     9. v. Illuminer.

Translations for light and their definitions

     1. adj. clear (see-through)
     2. adj. clear (understandable)
     3. adj. (of a color) light (having a light shade, not dark)
           bleu clair - light blue
     4. n-m. light
     5. adv. clearly
           Il voit clair. - He sees clearly.

     1. v. to light, to set alight (a candle, a fire, a cigar)
           allumer une bougie, un feu, un cigare - to light a candle, a fire, a cigar
     2. v. to turn on (the light, a lightbulb, the television, the heating)
           allumer la lumière, une ampoule, la télévision, le chauffage - to turn on the light, a lightbulb, the television, the heating
     3. v. to start, to turn on (electronic devices with screens)
           allumer un ordinateur, un smartphone - to start a computer, a smartphone
     4. v. (colloquial) to arouse, to turn on
     5. v. to flare up
           La bougie, un feu s'alluma. - The candle, a fire flared up.
     6. v. to go on
           La lumière, l'ampoule, la télévision, le chauffage s'alluma. - The light, the lightbulb, the television, the heating went on.
     7. v. to start up, to begin to operate
           L'ordinateur, le smartphone s'allume par ce bouton. - The computer, the smartphone starts up through this button.

     1. adj. light (not heavy)
     2. adj. slight (not much, not a lot)

     1. n-f. light
     2. n-f. (anatomy) lumen

     1. adj. pale (light in color)
     2. adj. pale (lacking brightness)
     3. adj. pale (dull)

     1. v. to illuminate, to light up
           Les étoiles illuminent le ciel noir. - The stars illuminate the dark sky.
     2. v. to illuminate, to enlighten

     1. adj. bright, luminous

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