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The French word for line is



The plural of ligne is lignes.

French Definition

     1. n. Corde, fil.
     2. n. Ligne (droite / courbe), trait.
           — this is a line. a line: une droite
           — ceci est une ligne.
     3. n. un tuyau, par exemple dans un système hydraulique
     4. n. Ride.
     5. n. (US), (Canada) File d'attente, file, queue. people stand in a line: des gens font la queue
           The people are waiting in line.
     6. n. Vers.
     7. n. Ligne de produits.
     8. n. Case d'un formulaire.
     9. v. (Transitif) Border.
           The bike path is lined with lights to illuminate the way.
           La piste cyclable est bordée de lampadaires pour éclairer la voie.
     10. v. (Transitif) (Line up) Aligner.
     11. v. (Intransitif) (Line up) Faire la queue.

Translations for line and their definitions

     1. n-f. line
     2. n-f. route, course, service, line
     3. n-f. cable
     4. n-f. (computing) row (in a table)
     5. n-f. (body shape) figure

     1. n-m. line
     2. n-m. trait
     3. n-m. color of a mineral
     4. n-m. (dated) the action of hauling or pulling (by an animal of burden)
     5. n-m. (dated) straps or cords placed on an animal of burden and attached to the vehicle which the animal pulls
     6. n-m. (obsolete) an action reflecting a favorable or adverse intention by one person toward another
     7. n-m. a remarkable or influential historical event
     8. n-m. a particular passage in a speech that is well-written; an excellent or appealing characteristic of a speech
     9. n-m. a vibrant, brilliant, or innovative idea
     10. n-m. (religion) verses sung in a Mass between the gradual and the gospel reading
     11. n-m. connection or link between one thing and another
     12. n-m. (geology) color of the dust produced by a mineral
     13. n-m. (chess, checkers) the privilege of taking the first turn/move
     14. n-m. (oriented-object programming) trait
     15. v. third-person singular present indicative of traire
     16. v. third-person singular past historic of traire
     17. Participle. past participle of traire

     1. adj. feminine singular of droit
     2. n-f. (geometry) straight line
     3. n-f. (politics) the right, right wing
     4. n-f. right, right-hand side
     5. n-f. (boxing) right-handed punch

     1. v. to shove, stick, stuff (dans in something)
     2. v. to stuff (a turkey etc.); to fill (a cake)

     1. n-f. wrinkle, line (on face etc.)
     2. n-f. ripple
     3. n-f. ridge
     4. v. first-person singular present of rider
     5. v. third-person singular present of rider
     6. v. second-person singular imperative of rider

ligne de conduite
     1. n-f. a conduct; an attitude, a course of action, a line of thought, occupation or policy

     1. n-f. lineage; line (descent)

     1. v. to line, to make lines on, to mark with lines (e.g. a piece of paper)
     2. v. to cross out, to cross off (remove something from a list)
           Quand il arrivera, tu pourras rayer son nom. - When he arrives, you can cross off his name.
     3. v. to wipe off (remove)
           Je l'ai rayé du tableau. - I wiped it off the board.
           J'ai rayé de la carte. - I wiped off the map

     1. v. to double, duplicate
           A cet instant précis, il a décidé de doubler la mise.
     2. v. to double-cross
           Nous avons été doublé ce coup-ci.
     3. v. to overtake, pass
           Sur l'autoroute, nous avons eu l'occasion de doubler de nombreux véhicules.
     4. v. (sound engineering) to dub
           Daniel Beretta qui double Arnold Schwarzenegger en français depuis 1987 a également prêté sa voix à l'agent Sam Fisher.
     5. v. (Belgium) to repeat a school year
     6. v. to line (a coat)

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