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The French word for to listen is

to listen

French Definition

     1. v. Écouter.
           To listen is to pay attention to a sound, to note.
           Please listen carefully as I explain.
     2. v. Obéir à un ordre oral.
           Good children listen to their parents.

Translations for listen and their definitions

     1. v. to listen
     2. v. to listen to
           J’écoute la radio.

tendre l'oreille
     1. v. to prick up one's ears, to pin one's ears back, to strain one's ears (to listen carefully)

     1. v. to watch (intently), to watch for, to lie in wait
           Le chat guette la souris. - The cat lies in wait for the mouse.
           Des gendarmes le guettent. - The Gendarmes lie in wait for him
     2. v. to await in order to seize
           guetter une occasion
     3. v. to menace, to loom (to appear in a threatening form)
           La mort le guette. - Death hangs over him.

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