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The French word for parcel is


French Definition

     1. n. Colis, paquet.
     2. n. Parcelle ; petite portion de terre, séparée des terres voisines et appartenant à un propriétaire différent.
     3. n. (Désuet) Groupe d'oiseaux.
     4. n. Petite portion de nourriture qui a été enveloppée, par exemple une pâtisserie.

Translations for parcel and their definitions

colis ©
     1. n-m. parcel, package
     2. n-m. baggage, luggage

     1. n-m. packet
     2. n-m. pack (of cards)
     3. n-m. parcel
     4. n-m. bundle (of clothes)
     5. n-m. (rugby) pack
     6. n-m. (colloquial) wad (of cash)
           Il a touché un bon paquet. - He got a fat sum.

     1. n-f. parcel (piece of land)

     1. v. to package (put into a package)
     2. v. (slang) to put away, put behind bars (imprison)
     3. v. to wrap up (cover with many clothes)

     1. v. to pack up; to wrap up; to parcel
     2. v. (colloquial) to thrill, to turn on
           Cela ne m'emballe pas. - I'm not keen on it.
     3. v. to race
     4. v. to bolt
     5. v. to get carried away
     6. v. to get ahead of oneself, to get one's hopes up
     7. v. to make out with someone

envelopper ©
     1. v. to wrap someone or something, to cover
     2. v. to envelop

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