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The French word for pin is


French Definition

     1. n. Épingle, goupille.
     2. n. (Orfèvrerie) Broche.
     3. n. (Chirurgie) Broche (pour consolider un os fracturé).
     4. n. (Électronique) Broche (de connexion d'un composant).
     5. n. (Échecs) Clouage.
     6. n. (Technologie des réacteurs) Aiguille.
     7. v. Fixer, punaiser.
           Mr Swiveller walked into Sampson Brass's office at the usual hour placed his hat upon the desk, and taking from his pocket a small parcel of black crape, applied himself to folding and pinning the same upon it, after the manner of a hatband. (
           M. Swiveller se rendit, à l'heure accoutumée, à l'étude de Sampson Brass. Il posa son chapeau sur le pupitre ; puis, tirant de sa poche une étroite bande de crêpe noir, il se mit à l'appliquer autour de sa coiffure, et à l'y fixer avec des épi
     8. v. (Échecs) Clouer.

Translations for pin and their definitions

     1. n-f. pin (small device, made of drawn-out steel wire with one end sharpened and the other flattened or rounded into a head, used for fastening)

     1. n-f. skittle
     2. n-f. (colloquial) pin, peg (leg)
     3. n-f. (military slang) demob
     4. n-f. (juggling) club
     5. n-f. (nautical) keel

     1. v. to pin (fasten/attach with a pin)
     2. v. (figuratively) to catch

     1. v. to nail (to attach using a nail)
     2. v. (vulgar) to nail, shag, fuck


     1. n-f. paw (of animal)
     2. n-f. leg (of animal)
     3. n-f. (anatomy) leg (of human)
Image illustrating the French word Patte

     1. n-m. (anglicism) a pin or badge, as attached to clothing as an accessory

     1. n-f. pin; tack

broche ©
     1. n-f. (jewellery) brooch, pin
     2. n-f. (cooking) spit, skewer
           poulet à la broche - chicken on the spit
     3. n-f. spike, peg
     4. v. first-person singular present of brocher
     5. v. third-person singular present of brocher
     6. v. second-person singular imperative of brocher

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