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The French word for play is


French Definition

     1. n. Pièce de théâtre, pièce.
     2. n. Activité de jouer.
           The elementary school places an emphasis on learning, but also on play activities.
     3. v. (Intransitif) Jouer.
     4. v. (Transitif) Jouer à (to play a sport, a game).
     5. v. (Transitif) Jouer de (to play a musical instrument).
     6. v. (Transitif) Diriger, orienter.
           He asked that the spotlight be played on the scene.
           Il demanda à ce que le projecteur fût dirigé sur la scène.

Translations for play and their definitions

     1. n-f. room (in a house, etc)
     2. n-f. piece
     3. n-f. (money) coin
     4. n-f. play (in a theatre)
     5. n-f. (heraldry) ordinary
     6. n-f. (legal) document, paper
     7. n-f. patch

     1. v. to play (engage in games or play) (+preo, à)
           jouer selon les règles - to play by the rules
           Est-ce que tu voudrais jouer à un jeu avec moi ? - Would you like to play a game with me?
     2. v. to play (produce music from a musical instrument) (+preo, de)
           Il n'y a pas de doute que tous nos élèves jouent du piano avec compétence, mais Delphine est la seule qui comprenne d'intuition l'essence sous-jacente de ce qu'on joue. Il y en a toujours dans
     3. v. to play (a role)

     1. n-m. game (activity performed for amusement)
     2. n-m. play (in a theatre/theater)
     3. n-m. set (of objects that belong together)
     4. n-m. manner of handling a gun
     5. n-m. play (mechanics: a space between two adjacent parts to allow free movement)
     6. n-m. a pipe organ stop
     7. n-m. a hand of playing cards

     1. v. to put; to place
     2. v. to put on
     3. v. to set (to lay a table)
     4. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to start (+ à) (something / doing something), to get around to doing something

     1. v. to translate
     2. v. to interpret
     3. v. to construe

     1. v. to throw
     2. v. to start, to launch
     3. n-m. a throw
     4. n-m. (baseball) a pitch
     5. n-m. (hockey) a shot

     1. v. to turn (left, right etc.)
     2. v. to stir (e.g. ingredients)
     3. v. to tour, to go on tour
     4. v. (film) to film, to shoot a film
     5. v. (computing, ambitransitive) to run, to execute (a program, an application etc.)
           Faire tourner un programme sur son ordinateur. - To run a program on one's computer.
     6. v. to lathe

     1. v. to reproduce
     2. v. to recreate
     3. v. to regenerate
     4. v. to reproduce (to produce offspring)

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