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The French word for to run is

to run

French Definition

     1. adj. Liquide.
     2. n. Course à pied.
     3. n. Trajet simple de course à pied.
           I think I'll go for a run.
     4. n. Enchaînement, succession, suite.
           You just had an unlucky run of cards.
     5. n. Fuite, flot de liquide.
     6. n. (Cricket) Cours.
           The batsman made a lot of runs.
     7. v. (Intransitif) Courir.
           You'll have to run to catch the train.
     8. v. (Intransitif) Couler (en parlant d'un cours d'eau, mais aussi des yeux ou du nez).
           Don't you love the sound of running water?
           Your nose is running. Wipe it.
     9. v. (Intransitif) Se précipiter, s'élancer.
           He was always living on the edge, and eventually ran into trouble.
     10. v. (Intransitif) Fonctionner (en parlant d'une machine, d'un programme).
           Is the machine running right now, or is it turned off?
           Don't interrupt it. The program is still running.
     11. v. (Transitif) Diriger (une entreprise, un commerce, un établissement).
           It takes all his time running the business.
     12. v. (Transitif) Piloter (un véhicule).
           He ran the plane into the ground.
     13. v. (Transitif) Passer sans s'arrêter, généralement de manière illégale ; brûler, griller (un feu rouge, un stop,…).
           He was cautious not to run any red light.
           Il faisait attention à ne pas brûler de feu rouge.
     14. v. (Intransitif) Être candidat à une élection.
           I have decided to run for governor of California.
           We're trying to find somebody to run against him next year.
     15. v. (Transitif) Faire participer à une course ou une élection.
           He ran his best horse in the Derby.
           The Green Party is running twenty candidates in this election.
     16. v. (Intransitif) Passer (à la télé, la radio, etc.), être présenté.
           The story will run on the 6-o'clock news.
           L'histoire passera au journal de six heures.
           The latest Robin Williams movie is running at the Silver City theatre.
           Le dernier film de Robin William passe en ce moment au théâtre de Silver City.
           Her picture ran on the front page of the newspaper.
           Sa photo est apparue à la une du journal.

Translations for run and their definitions

     1. v. to run
     2. v. to hurry; to rush
     3. v. (Louisiana French) to go
           Courez chercher mon livre! - Go get my book!

     1. v. to run; to direct (be the director of)
           Il dirige son entreprise avec passion. - He runs his business with passion.
     2. v. to supervise; to oversee
     3. v. to steer (vehicles)
           Il sait bien diriger le bateau. - He knows how to steer the boat.
     4. v. to aim, to direct
           Dirigez vos armes à l'ennemi. - Aim your weapons at the enemy.
     5. v. (cinematography) to direct (a film)
     6. v. to go towards; to head (for)
           Le camion se dirige vers la falaise. - The truck is heading for the cliff.

course à pied
     1. a run

     1. n-m. (in the literary) waves
     2. n-m. stream, flood (large amount)
           J'ai reçu un flot de lettres. - I received a flood of letters.
     3. n-m. incoming tide (of the sea); floodtide

     1. n-f. period; as in interval of time
     2. n-f. era
     3. n-m. point, locus

     1. v. to walk
           Il marche au milieu de la rue. - He is walking in the middle of the street
     2. v. to travel; to move; to march
     3. v. (figurative) to work, to function
           Comment ça marche ? - How does it work?
           Cet appareil ne marche plus. - This device isn't working anymore.
     4. v. to step
           Marcher sur le pied de quelqu’un. - To step on the foot of someone
     5. v. to cooperate
           Je ne marche plus. - I am no longer in.
     6. v. to believe
           Il marche. - He believes my joke.
           Il m'a fait marcher. - He took me for a ride.

cours d'eau
     1. n-m. (geography) watercourse, waterway, stream, run
           (holo, eau de surface)
           (mero, berge, bras, cascade, chute d'eau, confluent, embouchure, gué, lit, rapides, source)

course ©
     1. n-f. run, running
     2. n-f. race
     3. n-f. errand

     1. to stream
     2. to elapse

     1. n-m. route, course
     2. n-m. career
     3. n-m. (historical) a traditional roaming or grazing right
     4. n-m. (golf) round; course
     5. v. first-person present indicative of parcourir
     6. v. second-person present indicative of parcourir
     7. v. second-person singular imperative of parcourir

     1. v. to gallop

     1. v. to sink
     2. v. to cast (metal); to pour (liquid)
     3. v. to sink
           Le bateau de croisière MV Explorer a commencé à couler après avoir heurté un iceberg.
     4. v. to flow, to run; to slip, to skid
     5. v. to shed (i.e. shed blood)
     6. v. to go bankrupt
     7. v. to fail, flunk (a course, test, etc.)

     1. n-m. flow
     2. n-m. flood, flood tide
     3. n-m. (figurative) flood (an abundance of something)

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