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The French word for sharp is


French Definition

     1. adj. Coupant.
           Sharp knife.
     2. adj. Pointu.
           Sharp point.
     3. adj. (Figuré) Vif (qualifie certaines choses pour marquer la force de l'impression).
           her piercing wit, the piercing cold
     4. adj. (Figuré) (En particulier) Intelligent.
           She is very sharp. (She has a sharp mind.)
     5. adj. Aigre.
           Sharp taste.
     6. adj. (Musique) Dièse.
           Sharp note.
     7. v. Pile, exactement.
           Be here at eight o'clock sharp.
           Soyez là à huit heures précises.
     8. n. (Musique) Dièse (♯).

Translations for sharp and their definitions

     1. adj. sharp, pointed
           Cette épée est bien pointue. - This sword is very sharp.
           Les feuilles de cette plante sont pointues. - The leaves of this plant are pointed.
     2. adj. (figuratively) specialised, precise, technical, pointed
           une question très pointue - a very pointed question
     3. adj. (southern France) Parisian in accent or dialect
           il parle pointu - he speaks like a Parisian

tranchant ©
     1. Participle. present participle of trancher
     2. adj. sharp
     3. adj. cutting
     4. adj. trenchant

     1. adj. intense

     1. Participle. past participle of aiguiser
     2. adj. sharpened

     1. Participle. past participle of affiler
     2. adj. sharp

     1. Participle. present participle of couper
     2. adj. cutting
     3. adj. sharp

     1. Participle. past participle of affuter

     1. adj. (of iron) hardened with steel
     2. adj. sharp, keen

effilé ©
     1. Participle. past participle of effiler
     2. adj. slender
     3. adj. sharp

     1. adj. sharp, pointy
     2. adj. (of intelligence) acute, keen, discerning
     3. adj. (of sound) sharp, loud and high-pitched
     4. adj. (medicine) acute
     5. adj. (mathematics, of an angle) acute
     6. adj. (linguistics, of an accent) acute
     7. adj. (phonetics) front

vif ©
           mort ou vif - dead or alive
     1. adj. lively, brisk
     2. adj. vivid, bright
     3. adj. keen, sharp
     4. adj. (words) poignant, cutting, sharp
     5. adj. (edges) sharp, jagged
     6. adj. (pain) acute, intense, strong
     7. adj. (feelings, emotions) great, deep
     8. n-m. (obsolete) living person
     9. n-m. flesh, living flesh
           avoir les nerfs à vif
           piquer au vif
           entrer dans le vif du sujet

     1. adj. acrid, bitter
     2. adj. (figuratively) sour, bitter

     1. adj. elegant, fancy, stylish, posh, swank
     2. adj. considerate
     3. n-m. elegance
     4. n-m. skillfulness; adroitness

     1. n-m. (music, history) diesis
     2. n-m. (music) sharp
     3. n-m. hash (punctuation mark)

     1. Proper noun. (computing) the Net
     2. adj. clean, tidy
     3. adj. clear
     4. adj. neat (as opposed to gross)
     5. adj. net (as opposed to gross)

     1. adj. Which does not leave doubt; specific, explicit
     2. adj. Done in a precise and reliable fashion
     3. adj. (Sound) Well perceived; sharp
     4. adj. (Of language or writing) Demonstrating precision, concision and accuracy
     5. adj. Said of someone whose language expresses such qualities
     6. adj. (Measure) calculated or measured with precision
     7. n-m. précis

     1. n-f. class, type, group
     2. n-f. (military) "Une classe de conscrits" refers to all the recruits conscripted in a particular year, similar to the idea of a cohort. In the plural, "classes" refers to a period of military training
     3. n-f. (object-oriented programming) class

pile ©
     1. n-f. heap, stack
           pile de cartons - stack of cardboard boxes
     2. n-f. pillar
     3. n-f. battery
           pile électrique - electric battery
     4. n-f. tails
           pile ou face - heads or tails
     5. n-f. (heraldry) pile
     6. adv. (colloquial) just, exactly
     7. adv. (colloquial) dead (of stopping etc.); on the dot, sharp (of time), smack
Image illustrating the French word pile

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