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The French word for to turn is

to turn

French Definition

     1. v. (Turn (in place)) Tourner, retourner.
           Turn so I can see your profile.
     2. v. (Turn around) Renverser.
           Turn around. I want to go home.
     3. v. (Turn (around something)) Virer.
           Turn right at the next intersection.
     4. v. (Move something else) Dévier.
           They turned the river to go on the other side of the town.
     5. v. (Turn into) Changer, transformer, convertir.
           When the moon is full, a werewolf turns from a person into a wolf.
     6. n. File, rang, rangée, tour.
     7. n. Coup (d'un jeu).
           White has the first turn in chess.
           Whose turn is it to move?

Translations for turn and their definitions

     1. Proper noun. (by ellipsis) the Eiffel Tower
     2. Proper noun. (cycling, by ellipsis) the Tour de France
     3. n-f. tower
           La tour de Pise est penchée. - The Tower of Pisa is leaning.
     4. n-f. (chess) rook
     5. n-f. apartment building
     6. n-m. turn, circumference
     7. n-m. go, turn
     8. n-m. walk, stroll
     9. n-m. round, stage (of a competition)
     10. n-m. trick (e.g. magic trick, card trick)
     11. n-m. ride
     12. n-m. lathe
     13. n-m. potter’s wheel

     1. v. to turn (left, right etc.)
     2. v. to stir (e.g. ingredients)
     3. v. to tour, to go on tour
     4. v. (film) to film, to shoot a film
     5. v. (computing, ambitransitive) to run, to execute (a program, an application etc.)
           Faire tourner un programme sur son ordinateur. - To run a program on one's computer.
     6. v. to lathe

     1. v. to bear, veer (change direction slightly)
           Virer à gauche. - Bear left.
     2. v. to turn into, become
           La situation va virer au drame. - The situation is going to turn into a drama.
     3. v. to transfer (money, from one account to another)
     4. v. to get rid of, fire, shitcan
           Tu pourrais te faire virer pour ça. - You could get yourself fired for that.

se tourner

     1. n-m. future
     2. v. to become
     3. v. (Louisiana French , followed by de) to come from

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