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The French word for to walk is

to walk

French Definition

     1. n. Promenade.
           There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.
     2. n. (Baseball) But-sur-balles.
     3. v. Marcher.
     4. v. (Transitif) Promener.
           walk the dog - promener le chien

Translations for walk and their definitions

     1. v. to walk
           Il marche au milieu de la rue. - He is walking in the middle of the street
     2. v. to travel; to move; to march
     3. v. (figurative) to work, to function
           Comment ça marche ? - How does it work?
           Cet appareil ne marche plus. - This device isn't working anymore.
     4. v. to step
           Marcher sur le pied de quelqu’un. - To step on the foot of someone
     5. v. to cooperate
           Je ne marche plus. - I am no longer in.
     6. v. to believe
           Il marche. - He believes my joke.
           Il m'a fait marcher. - He took me for a ride.

     1. n-f. walk; stroll (walk for enjoyment)
Image illustrating the French word promenade

     1. n-f. walk without purpose, stroll
     2. v. first-person singular present of balader
     3. v. third-person singular present of balader
     4. v. second-person singular imperative of balader
Image illustrating the French word balade

se promener

     1. n-f. march (formal, rhythmic way of walking)
     2. n-f. march (song in the genre of music written for marching)
     3. n-f. walk (distance walked)
     4. n-f. movement (of a vehicle)
     5. n-f. functioning
     6. n-f. step (step of a stair)
     7. n-f. marches (region near a border)
     8. v. first-person singular present of marcher
     9. v. third-person singular present of marcher
     10. v. second-person singular imperative of marcher

     1. v. to go through, to pass through
     2. v. to read through, to skim

     1. v. to accompany, to escort

se barrer
     1. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun, informal) to leave, clear off

     1. n-f. gait, walk
     2. n-f. step, procedure, move, intervention
     3. n-f. reasoning
     4. v. first-person singular present of démarcher
     5. v. third-person singular present of démarcher
     6. v. second-person singular imperative of démarcher

ficher le camp
     1. v. (informal) to get the hell out; to get out of here; to bugger off; to scarper

     1. n-f. path, lane, allée
     2. n-f. hallway (leading from the entrance of a house)
     3. n-f. aisle (between rows of seats)
     4. n-f. driveway
     5. n-f. bowling lane
     6. n-f. action of going (used nowadays only in the expression allées et venues: the repeated action of going and returning)
     7. Participle. feminine singular of allé

     1. v. to beat; to defeat
     2. v. to beat up
     3. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to fight
     4. v. (cooking) to whisk or whip (eggs)
     5. v. (agriculture) to thresh
     6. v. (cards) to shuffle

     1. n-m. (baseball, Europe) a walk

     1. v. to walk back, to take back, to drive back (to escort someone back to where they came from)
           raccompagner quelqu'un à la sortie - to see someone to the door, to see someone out
           Il la raccompagna jusqu'à sa voiture et l’embrassa tendrement. - He walked her back to her car and kissed her tenderly.
           Il m'a raccompagnée chez moi. - He saw me back home.

se tirer

     1. v. to walk (leisurely), to go for a walk, to stroll
     2. v. to walk out (an animal)
     3. v. to carry around, often with the implication of showing off

se casser
     1. v. (informal, idiomatic) to get lost, go away, leave
           Je me casse. - I'm leaving.
           Casse-toi ! - Get lost!

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