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The French word for water is



The plural of eau is eaux.

French Definition

     1. n. (Chimie) Eau.
     2. n. (Au pluriel) Eaux, étendue d'eau.
     3. v. Arroser.
           I need to water the flowers.
           Il faut que j'arrose les fleurs.
     4. v. Moirer, en parlant de tissus ou de métaux.

Translations for water and their definitions

     1. n-f. water, a liquid that is transparent, colorless, odorless and tasteless in its pure form, the primary constituent of lakes, rivers, seas and oceans
           Il buvait un verre d’eau fraîche. - He drank a cool glass of water.
           L’eau de mer et l’eau de rivière n’ont pas la même teneur en sel et n’abritent donc pas les mêmes poissons. - Sea water and river water do not have the same salt content and thus do not harbor
     2. n-f. In particular, rain
           Si le vent dure, nous aurons de l’eau. - If the wind persists, we will have rain.
     3. n-f. (chemistry) the chemical compound with molecular formula H2O existing in the form of ice, liquid water or steam
           L’eau se durcit par le froid et se vaporise par la chaleur. - Water hardens with cold and vaporises with heat.
     4. n-f. Natural liquid quantities or expanses
           Le soir, ils se baignaient dans les eaux du lac Titicaca. - In the evening, they bathed in the waters of Lake Titicaca.
     5. n-f. Fluids such as sweat, formed and found in the body of man or animal
           Les vésicatoires font des ampoules pleines d’eau. - Vesicants make blisters full of fluid.
           L’eau m'en vint à la bouche. - That made my mouth water.
           Il s’est échauffé à courir, il est tout en eau. - He warmed up to run. He's all sweaty.
Image illustrating the French word eau

abreuver ©
     1. v. (literary) to water (cattle, fields etc.), give water to (a person)
     2. v. (literary, takes a reflexive pronoun) to drink
     3. v. (indtr .figuratively, ditr=1) to shower (someone) in
           Elle l'a abreuvé d'injures. - She insulted him copiously. / She showered him with insults.

     1. n. plural of eau

     1. v. to make wet, get wet, dampen, moisten
     2. v. to water (down)
     3. v. to cast, drop (anchor)
     4. v. to palatalize
     5. v. to anchor, lie at anchor
     6. v. to be so frightened as to piss oneself
     7. v. to be wet
     8. v. to rain
     9. v. to stick one's neck out
           Tu ne te mouilles pas trop, à ce que je vois ! - you don't get too wet

     1. v. to cry, to weep
     2. v. to mourn

     1. v. to water (e.g. plants)
     2. v. to sprinkle
     3. v. to squirt
     4. v. to spray
           arroser de balles - spray with bullets
     5. v. to celebrate (with a drink)
           arroser une victoire - to celebrate a victory (by drinking)
     6. v. to grease someone's palm, to bribe

faire boire

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