die |
art. feminine singular of der |
art. plural of der |
pron. feminine singular of der |
pron. plural of der |
pron. (in a subordinate clause as a relative pronoun) that; which; who; whom; whose |
pron. (as a demonstrative pronoun) this one; that one; these ones; those ones; she; her; it; they; them |
der |
art. the |
art. feminine singular of der |
art. genitive plural of der |
pron. who; that; which |
pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) whom, which, that |
pron. (attributive, stressed) that |
pron. (indicative) him, he |
pron. (differential) the one, him |
pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) that, (to) her |
Gruppe |
n-f. group |
hat |
v. third-person singular present of haben |
haben |
v. (auxiliary) to have (forms the perfect and past perfect tenses) |
v. to have; to own (to possess, have ownership of; to possess a certain characteristic) |
v. to have; to hold (to contain within itself/oneself) |
v. to have, get (to obtain, acquire) |
v. to get (to receive) |
v. to have (to be scheduled to attend) |
v. to have (to be afflicted with, suffer from) |
v. to contain, be composed of, equal |
v. (impersonal, dialectal, with es) there be, there is, there are |
v. to make a fuss |
v. (colloquial with es and mit) to be occupied with, to like, to be into |
v. (colloquial with es and von or über) to talk about |
soeben |
adv. just now, quite recently (moments ago) |
die |
art. feminine singular of der |
art. plural of der |
pron. feminine singular of der |
pron. plural of der |
pron. (in a subordinate clause as a relative pronoun) that; which; who; whom; whose |
pron. (as a demonstrative pronoun) this one; that one; these ones; those ones; she; her; it; they; them |
der |
art. the |
art. feminine singular of der |
art. genitive plural of der |
pron. who; that; which |
pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) whom, which, that |
pron. (attributive, stressed) that |
pron. (indicative) him, he |
pron. (differential) the one, him |
pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) that, (to) her |
Grenze |
n-f. border |
n-f. limit |
n-f. frontier |
n-f. boundary |
passiert |
Participle. past participle of passieren |
adj. sieved |
v. third-person singular present of passieren |
v. second-person plural present of passieren |
v. plural imperative of passieren |
passieren |
v. to happen |
v. to move beyond; pass |
v. to pass through a sieve, to strain (+aux, haben) |