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German Sentence of the Day


Heute gab man uns sehr viele Hausaufgaben auf.


Today, we were given a lot of homework.


     n. today
     adv. today
gab ... auf
     v. first-person singular preterite of aufgeben
     v. third-person singular preterite of aufgeben
          v. to give up on (one's efforts)
          v. to give up
          v. to abandon, to forsake, to relinquish
          v. to surrender, to capitulate
          v. to lose hope, to resign, to quit
          v. to send, to mail
          v. to give
     pron. one, you (indefinite pronoun; construed as a third-person singular)
     pron. they, people (people in general)
     pron. someone, somebody (some unspecified person)
     pron. they (some unspecified group of people)
     adv. (colloquial regional northern Germany) just; only
     pron. of wir: us
     adv. very
     adv. a lot, much
     adj. form of viel
          pron. much, a lot
          det. much, many
          det. In the singular, the adjective is usually left unchanged when it is not preceded by an article or determiner (see example sentence above). Otherwise it is declined like a normal adjective: das viele
          det. In the plural, the adjective is usually declined even without a preceding article or determiner: viele Kinder. However, it may be left unchanged when modified by a preceding adverb, e.g. in the combi
          det. The comparative form mehr is invariable and never declined; it cannot be preceded by any article or determiner (note however mehrere, mehreres, and obsolete mehre, mehr
          adv. much, a lot
     n. plural of Hausaufgabe
     n. homework
          n-f. homework assignment

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