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German Sentence of the Day


Sie denken da wieder einmal folgerichtig, Herr Schröder.


You're thinking logically once again, Mr. Schroeder.


     pron. you (polite; singular and plural)
     pron. she
     pron. it (when the object/article/thing/animal etc., referred to, is feminine die)
     pron. he (when the grammatical gender of the noun being referred to and designating a male person, is feminine die)
     pron. they; them
          pron. Nominative and accusative neuter third-person singular personal pronoun
          pron. (Impersonal pronoun used to refer to statements, activities, the environment etc., or as a placeholder/dummy pronoun) — it
          art. (regional, colloquial) alt form-lite, das
     v. to think
     v. not to forget; to remember (to bring along, etc.)
     v. to imagine
     v. to think, to believe, to assume, to conjecture
     adv. (local) there; here
     adv. (temporal) then; so; at that moment
     adv. (colloquial) (replaces any takes a reflexive pronoun adverb when the context is clear)
     conj. since; as; because; given that
     conj. (literary, dated) when
     adv. Indicates that the action taking place has happened before. again
     adv. Indicates that the action will return something to its original state or position. back
     adv. once, one time (one and only one time)
     adv. once (formerly; during some period in the past)
     adv. sometime (at an indefinite but stated time in the past or future)
     adv. first of all, for starters, firstly (as an initial point; before any other considerations)
     adj. logical, consistent, appropriate
     adv. logically, consistently, congruously, accordingly
     n. man, gentleman (polite term)
     n. sir (title of respect)
     n. Mr., mister, sir
     n. gentleman
     n. master, lord ((generally denotes that somebody has control over something, either in a generic or in a regal sense))
     n. (historical) the lowest title of German nobility
     n. Lord, God
     Proper noun. surname, common, from=occupations

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