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301 petit à petit
          1. adv. little by little, bit by bit
          2. adv. , Just a pale copy, a voice that drives you, and little by little it takes your oxygen.
302 faire place
          1. v. (indtr, à) to give way; to make way
303 avoir l'air
          1. v. to seem, look, appear
                en avoir tout l'air - to seem like it
                sans en avoir l'air - without seeming like it
                n'avoir l'air de rien - to not seem like much
                Ce mec a l'air fort. - This guy looks strong.
304 feuille de route
          1. n-f. (military) marching order, movement order (towards a certain location)
          2. n-f. (figuratively) road map, action plan
                Feuille de route pour la paix - Road map for peace (2003 plan in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict)
305 à la suite de
          1. prep. along with, accompanying
          2. prep. after
          3. prep. following, subsequent to, in the wake of
306 en somme
          1. adv. in summary
          2. adv. after all
307 metteur en scène
          1. n-m. (film) director
308 en vigueur
          1. adj. in force (of law, rule)
                être en vigueur
                entrer en vigueur - to come into force, to come into effect
                l'entrée en vigueur - the coming into force
          2. adj. current (regime, conditions, etc.)
309 chez soi
          1. adj. at home (at one's abode)
          2. adj. at home (comfortable)
310 traiter de
311 jour de l'an
          1. n-m. New Year's Day
312 pas à pas
          1. adv. step by step (gradually)
313 tenir de
          1. v. to take after, act similarly to
                En ce qui concerne la beauté, il tient de son père - As far as looks are concerned, he takes after his dad
314 avoir peur
          1. v. to fear, be afraid
                J'ai peur qu'il ne parte. - I am afraid that he will leave.
                J'ai peur de me tromper. - I am afraid to make a mistake.
                Tous mes amis ont peur de mon père. - All my friends are afraid of my father.
315 de rang
          1. adv. in a row
316 au fur et à mesure
          1. conj. in keeping with (progressively, in sequence)
                La demande diminue toujours au fur et à mesure que le prix augmente. - The demand decreases in keeping with the price increase.
                Les dénivelés se font plus importants au fur et à mesure que les Pyrénées approchent. - The sloping sections become progressively more pronounced as the Pyrenees are approached.
          2. adv. bit by bit, gradually
317 maître d'hôtel
          1. n. the person in charge of the team of waiters in a restaurant or hotel
          2. n. a headwaiter; major-domo
318 points de vue
          1. n. plural of point de vue
319 en ordre
          1. adj. orderly, tidy
                garder sa chambre en ordre - to keep ones room orderly.
          2. adj. in order
                Tout est en ordre. - all is in order.
320 à proximité
          1. adv. nearby
321 sitôt que
          1. conj. as soon as
322 faire mal
          1. v. to hurt (to cause pain)
                Tu me le dis si ça te fait mal. - Tell me if it hurts.
323 champs de bataille
          1. n. plural of champ de bataille
324 tombée de la nuit
          1. n-f. nightfall
                à la tombée de la nuit - at nightfall
325 petit déjeuner
          1. n-m. (chiefly France, and Belgium) breakfast (morning meal)
326 tremblement de terre
          1. n-m. earthquake
327 prendre part
          1. v. (indtr, à) to take part (participate or join in)
                prendre part au vote - to take part in the vote
328 laisser faire
          1. v. to let someone do as they please
                Je le laisse faire ce qu'il veut quand il est dans cet état. - I let him do as he pleases whenever he gets like that.
          2. v. not to intervene
          3. v. not to react to things done to oneself
                ne pas se laisser faire - to stand up for oneself
329 à outrance
          1. adv. unremittingly, unflaggingly
          2. adv. to the utmost, to the death
330 garde à vue
          1. n-f. (legal) custody
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