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331 mise en scène
          1. n-f. mise en scène (arrangement on a stage)
          2. n-f. contextualization (creation of a context for a story)
          3. n-f. false flag (staged event)
332 en travers
          1. adv. across (it)
                Il faut mettre quelque chose en travers. - You have to put something across it.
333 je ne comprends pas
          1. Phrase. I don't understand
334 c'est ça
          1. adv. (Confirmation of a question): that's right; that's the one
                — Comment il s'appelle déjà ? Paul ? —C'est ça. - — What was his name again? Paul?— That's right.appelle déjà ? Paul ? —C'est ça., — What was his name again? Paul?— That's right.
          2. adv. Ironic negation of a statement, by antiphrasis.
                — Je suis sûr que ça te plaira !— Oui, c'est ça… - — I'm sure you'll like it! — Yes, I'm sure.est ça…, — I'm sure you'll like it! — Yes, I'm sure.
335 à l'oreille
          1. adv. (chiefly music) by ear
336 bande dessinée
          1. n-f. (comics) comic book, graphic novel
337 coup de pied
          1. n-m. kick
                Il m'a donné un coup de pied ! - He kicked me!
          2. n-m. hop, skip, and a jump
338 en plein air
          1. adv. in the open air, alfresco, outside, outdoors
339 autrement dit
          1. prep. in other words (a phrase indicating that the following thought is a reiteration of the previous one.)
340 en gros
          1. adv. in bulk
                acheter en gros - to buy in bulk
          2. adv. (colloquial) in a nutshell, in summary, in short
                En gros, c'est un outil qui permet le voyage dans le temps. - Basically, it's a gadget for time-travel.
341 faire un tour
          1. v. to take a walk, to take a stroll, to go for a walk
342 premier plan
          1. n-m. foreground
                au premier plan - in the foreground
                de premier plan - high-profile
343 dans un temps donné
344 à long terme
          1. adj. long-term
          2. adv. in the long term, in the long run
345 de race
          1. adj. pedigree, purebred; (of horse) thoroughbred
346 fils unique
          1. n-m. Male only child
347 en ligne
          1. adj. (computing, Internet) online
348 tapis rouge
          1. n-m. red carpet
          2. n-m. (figuratively) red carpet, VIP treatment
                dérouler le tapis rouge - to roll out the red carpet, to give the royal treatment
349 en panne
          1. adj. broken, broken-down, out of order
350 au grand jour
          1. adv. in broad daylight, in the open
                éclater au grand jour - to come to light
351 coucher de soleil
          1. n-m. sunset
352 pleine lune
          1. n-f. full moon
353 petits pois
          1. n. plural of petit pois
354 à tout jamais
          1. adv. forever and ever
355 coup d'envoi
          1. n-m. (sports) kick-off
                donner le coup d'envoi - to kick off
          2. n-m. unveiling, opening (of an event, for example)
356 fille unique
          1. n-f. Female only child
357 une fois pour toutes
          1. adv. (idiom) once and for all (finally, permanently, conclusively)
358 se regarder
359 carte bancaire
          1. n-f. bank card
360 malgré que
          1. conj. (proscribed) despite that (even though; despite the fact that; although)
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