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361 prise de conscience
          1. n-f. realization (act of figuring out or becoming aware of something)
362 sains et saufs
          1. adj. masculine plural of sain et sauf
363 homme de lettres
          1. n-m. homme de lettres, man of letters
364 à la volée
          1. adv. in flight
          2. adv. as one goes
          3. adv. on the fly
          4. adv. (of clocks) steadily, continuously
365 à la vôtre
          1. interj. cheers (used as a toast to drinking)
366 coup de tête
          1. n-m. headbutt
          2. n-m. (sports) header
          3. n-m. (informal) whim, impulse
                Je l'ai achetée sur un coup de tête. - I bought it on a whim.
367 en tenue
          1. adj. dressed (in a specified way)
          2. adj. (military) in uniform
368 coup de poing
          1. n-m. punch (a hit with the fist)
          2. n-m. (relational) lightning, ad hoc, shock
          3. n-m. knuckleduster, brass knuckles
369 durée de vie
          1. n-f. lifetime, lifespan
370 à toute allure
          1. adv. at full tilt, at top speed, at full throttle, at full pelt
371 en fin de compte
          1. adv. ultimately, at the end of the day, when all is said and done
          2. adv. on second thought, all things considered
372 tasse de thé
          1. n-f. cup of tea (tea in a cup)
          2. n-f. (figuratively) cup of tea, cup of joe (personal taste)
373 centrales nucléaires
          1. n. plural of centrale nucléaire
374 pommes de terre
          1. n. plural of pomme de terre
375 à l'improviste
          1. adv. unexpectedly
376 voir le jour
          1. v. (figuratively) to be born
          2. v. (figuratively) to see the light of day
377 quartier général
          1. n-m. headquarters
378 par cœur
          1. adv. by heart, by rote
                connaître par cœur - to know by heart
                apprendre par cœur - to learn by heart
          2. adv. (dated) without eating
          3. n-m. rote memorization
379 ange gardien
          1. n-m. guardian angel
380 ver à soie
          1. n-m. silkworm
381 angle droit
          1. n-m. (geometry) right angle (angle of 90 degrees)
382 avant que de
          1. prep. (literary) before
383 à plat
          1. adj. flat, level, horizontal
          2. adj. (of a tyre) flat, deflated
          3. adj. (of a battery) flat (unable to emit power; dead)
          4. adj. (of a person, figuratively) flat, listless, lethargic, dead beat, tired out
384 grains de beauté
          1. n. plural of grain de beauté
385 taux d'intérêt
          1. n-m. (finance) interest rate
386 à quatre pattes
          1. adv. on all fours
387 bonne chance
          1. interj. good luck!
388 tout court
          1. adv. just; only (without any additions)
389 dans le courant de
          1. prep. in the course of
390 feux d'artifice
          1. n. plural of feu d'artifice
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