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421 faire l'amour
          1. v. to make love, to have sex
422 téléphone portable
          1. n-f. cellphone, mobile phone
423 parti pris
          1. n-m. Alternative form of parti-pris
424 à demi-mot
          1. adv. half-spoken, in a way that is hinted at
425 faire face
          1. v. (indtr, à) to square up; to come up against; to deal with, to face up to, to meet the challenge of
426 pas de quoi
          1. interj. (informal) you're welcome (after being thanked)
427 relever de
          1. v. to be a matter for, be the concern of
          2. v. to come under (of a department etc.); to be part of; to belong to; to fall under the category of; to be dependent on
          3. v. to recover from
428 système solaire
          1. n-m. solar system
429 juge d'instruction
          1. n-m. (legal) examining magistrate, investigating magistrate
430 chemins de fer
          1. n. plural of chemin de fer
431 boîtes de conserve
          1. n. plural of boîte de conserve
432 d'abord que
          1. prep. (regional) as long as, since
433 déjà vu
          1. n-m. Alternative form of déjà-vu
434 l'un l'autre
          1. pron. (reciprocal pronoun) each other, one another
                Ils s'aiment l'un l'autre. - They (two) love each other.
                Ils s'aiment les uns les autres. - They (all) love each other.
                Max et Roman s'encouragent l'un l'autre à persister.
          2. pron. (with prepositions) e.g., to each other, for each other, against each other, etc.
435 c'est la vie
          1. Phrase. that's life, such is life, c'est la vie
436 homme d'affaires
          1. n-m. a businessman
437 jeu de paume
          1. n-m. jeu de paume
438 de fond en comble
          1. adv. (figuratively) from top to bottom, from wall to wall, thoroughly
439 à juste titre
          1. adv. justly, rightly (so)
440 de passage
          1. adj. passing through, passing by
441 pièces de théâtre
          1. n. plural of pièce de théâtre
442 à deux doigts
          1. adv. (informal) by a hair's breadth
                être à deux doigts de faire quelque chose - to be within an ace of doing something, to be within an inch of doing something
443 arts plastiques
          1. n. plural of art plastique
444 temps libre
          1. n-m. free time
445 lobe de l'oreille
446 à terme
          1. adv. in the long run
          2. adv. eventually
447 table ronde
          1. n-f. round table (conference)
448 de travers
          1. adv. (literally, and figuratively) wrongly, the wrong way
                avaler de travers - to swallow something down the wrong pipe
                prendre quelque chose de travers - to take something the wrong way
          2. adv. (literally, and figuratively) askew; askance
                Tes lunettes sont de travers. - Your glasses are askew.
449 bon appétit
          1. Phrase. bon appétit, enjoy your meal
450 se mettre à table
          1. v. to sit down at a table to eat
          2. v. to sing, to confess under interrogation
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