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451 à tort et à travers
          1. adv. without rhyme or reason; indiscriminately
                parler à tort et à travers - to talk through one's hat
452 coup de pouce
          1. n-m. (figurative, idiom, colloquial) helping hand
453 coup d'œil
          1. n-m. glance, look
                Jette un coup d’œil à ce livre. - Have a look at this book.
          2. n-m. swift decision
          3. n-m. sight
454 mettre en scène
          1. v. to set up a stage or a studio
          2. v. (by extension) to set the scene (in a work of fiction)
455 à mi-chemin
          1. adv. halfway, midway (half way to a place, or between two place)
                Ils se sont arrêtés à mi-chemin. - They stopped halfway.
          2. adv. in the middle of, mid-
                C’est un roman à mi-chemin entre la fantaisie et l’horreur. - It’s a novel in the middle of fantasy and horror.
456 ours blancs
          1. n. plural of ours blanc
457 idées reçues
          1. n. plural of idée reçue
458 je ne pense pas
          1. Phrase. I don't think so
          2. Phrase. I think not
459 à vrai dire
          1. adv. (attestation of truthfulness and frankness): to tell the truth, as a matter of fact
460 ça a été
          1. Phrase. was everything OK?, did it go well?
                Ça a été, ta journée? - Did you have a good day?
461 à bout portant
          1. adv. at point-blank range, point blank
462 à bras ouverts
          1. adv. with open arms
463 à la dérobée
          1. adv. on the sly, without being noticed
464 niveau de la mer
          1. n-m. sea level
465 école buissonnière
466 porte cochère
          1. n-f. (architectural element, road transport) porte cochère
467 si par hasard
468 si seulement
          1. interj. if only, I wish, from your lips to God's ears
469 à bon escient
          1. adv. wisely, using one's best judgement
470 mariage homosexuel
          1. n-m. gay marriage
          2. n-m. gay wedding
471 nom d'une pipe
          1. interj. (dated) flipping heck; bloody hell; cor blimey (or similar oath)
472 bain de sang
          1. n-m. bloodbath, bloodshed
473 boucs émissaires
          1. n. plural of bouc émissaire
474 cligner des yeux
          1. v. to wink
475 frapper un grand coup
          1. v. make a splash, hit hard
476 avis de recherche
          1. n-m. wanted notice; all-points bulletin (broadcast issued from a law enforcement agency, typically containing information about a wanted suspect or a person of interest)
          2. n-m. wanted poster (printed public announcement that the authorities want to apprehend a person for a crime)
          3. n-m. missing person appeal
          4. n-m. missing person poster
477 feu follet
          1. n-m. atmospheric ghost light
          2. n-m. (folklore) will-o'-the-wisp
478 oiseau de paradis
          1. n-m. bird of paradise (bird)
479 vingt et un
          1. num. twenty-one
480 poissons rouges
          1. n. plural of poisson rouge
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