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481 en friche
          1. adj. (agriculture) without culture
                Laisser une terre en friche, une vigne en friche. - Leave land uncultivated, a deserted vineyard.
          2. adj. (figuratively) simple-minded, uncultivated
                Un esprit en friche. - An uncultivated spirit.
482 laisser tomber
          1. v. to physically drop (an object)
          2. v. to drop, to forget about, to leave; to give up
483 acide sulfurique
          1. n-m. (inorganic compound) sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
484 ours polaire
          1. n-m. polar bear
485 canot de sauvetage
          1. n-m. life raft, safety raft
486 sur le cul
          1. adj. (colloquial somewhat vulgar) floored, flabbergasted, flummoxed
                être sur le cul - to be flabbergasted
                tomber sur le cul - to become flummoxed
487 eau de Cologne
          1. n-f. cologne (scented alcohol-based product)
488 taches de rousseur
          1. n. plural of tache de rousseur
489 permis de conduire
          1. n-m. driver's license, driving licence
490 prendre conscience
          1. v. to realize (become aware)
491 au compte-gouttes
          1. adv. in dribs and drabs
492 la fermer
          1. v. (colloquial offensive euphemism by ellipsis) to shut it, to shut up (refrain from speech)
493 caisse noire
          1. n-f. slush fund (money stored for illegal or dishonest purposes)
494 dans la mesure où
          1. conj. fr-conjunction
          2. conj. inasmuch as, insofar as, given that
495 au volant
          1. adj. behind the wheel, at the wheel (driving a car)
          2. adj. (of restaurants) drive-in
496 bel et bien
          1. adv. well and truly
497 ça y est
          1. Phrase. idiomatic
          2. Phrase.          there we go, there you go, there you have it, that's it, etc.
                        Ça y est ! On est arrivé ! - That's it! We're here!
                        Ça y est ! J’ai finalement compris ! - There we go! I finally understand!
                        Ça y est ! Ça marche ! - There you go! It's working!
498 eaux douces
          1. n. plural of eau douce
499 faire confiance
          1. v. (indtr, à) to trust; to have trust in (someone, something)
500 avant peu
          1. adv. before long
501 espérance de vie
          1. n-f. (demography) life expectancy (years of expected life according to statistical tables)
          2. n-f. (machinery maintenance) mean time to breakdown
502 centre commercial
          1. n-m. mall; shopping center, especially one with multiple floors
503 sur la même longueur d'onde
504 peine de mort
          1. n-f. capital punishment, death penalty
505 coups de foudre
          1. n. plural of coup de foudre
506 rente viagère
          1. n-f. life annuity, lifetime annuity
507 hôtel de ville
          1. n-m. town hall, city hall
508 journaux télévisés
          1. n. plural of journal télévisé
509 marée noire
          1. n-f. an oil spill; a huge disbursement of oil on or near the coast
510 rapports sexuels
          1. n. plural of rapport sexuel
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